Saturday, April 23, 2016

1 Peter chapter 1 ver. 24

Hello People of the Internet 

SorryI haven’t post in a while, but I will have a lot of pictures in the next Blog and the Blog after that I will have videos of some art work I did on my drum shells :) great stuff !!!

but I wanted to say something, i was doing tonight/morning and here it is........

Hey Guys and ladies,and friends. i know i don’t normally post stuff. but I was reading my bible my sister got me, (back story- Im not the best reader and still not, so i never really readed the bible fully. and so im glad my sister got me this NIV Bible and for the first time i fill like i can read, i mean there are still some words i can’t read like hard bible peoples name and stuff like that :) lol but that shouldn’t keep me form reading ) so back to what i wanted to talk about. I was reading 1 Peter chapter 1 ver 24, it says “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field: the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever” so this really speak to me, I use to be a landscaper, and this ver is so true. Grass will die though the seasons but the roots are still there. like in the start of the bible, in Genesis when God made everything. so that could be the roots, so stuff will die and fade way but God is alway here for you just let him fix it and he will make it so much better , just stand on his word of God like what 1 Peter chapter ! ver 24 says. So i hope this help you, how the word of God just spoke to me this night/morning. God Bless you all . Love you guys

I hope all you #Incrediblepeeps have a great day!!!

I’ll see you soon , People of the Internet

-iDrum (James)

#Incrediblepeeps #IncredibleLove

and like alway guys... Stay Incredible !!!!!!!