Saturday, November 7, 2015

Game Capture Card

Hello, People of the Internet

On the week  Nov. 1 - 7, were crazy I bought some stuff lol I know Im behind on my Blogs like what I said it my last one lol You can check out the last one here:

On the 1, we had church and I run the sound it was fun, because I normally don’t run the sound lol

So I’m going to start on Monday the 2 of Nov. I work I edit some videos and had band practice it was fun. And on this night I was still there like almost every Monday editing. The day goes like this I wake up do what I need to do, like wash close and clean the house. Then went it almost 6pm I go to church for practice and around 8:30 to 9:00 we stop and then I talk to the youth worship leader for a while and then about 10:00 or 10:30 I go to my office and start edit 2 videos and upload them to where they need to go take a while to upload and then if mite play my guitar while waiting for that. But this week my friend (the worship leader ) came back to church to do some stuff at about 11:00 while i was still editing and he ask me do you want to Jam on the drums so I said Yeah!! we jam for about a hour and a half then I went back to editing. And I didn’t get home until around 2:30am. But it was so much fun :D

On the 3 of Nov. my brother was off of work. So we went out and got some stuff. We went to Best Buy and slit the cost of a elgato games capture card, so he can record game plays on YouTube and so I can stream console games on Twitch its so cool f you want to record game plays you need one :) Im glad we got it :D

We also went to that store that I find that sweater I wanted its was $80 and on sale for $40 that one day I went, but today we went and it was $27 for the sweater :D so happy because I really wanted it. See if you just wait for the right time, everything will work out :)

           We also when it a store and got 2 pairs of pants and to T-shirts. There was a deal. buy a item with a blue dot and get three other blue item free. so me and my brother was going to we 2 pairs of pants each and 2 T-shirts, and the pants was around $58 each and the T-shirt $32, and they take the high price for the deal. So me and my brother had a idea he bought all our pant and I bought the t-shirt. So instend of both of us paying around $58. he spend $58 and I spend $32. :) good plan right we save even more then the deal we had lol hahahaha and I bought the pizza this week because Tuesday is pizza day for us loot even the price my brother bought :)  so those are one of the pairs of pants i got lol in the photo.

On the 4, I played the drums at the youth band, and then round back and forth to the PC for the sermon to put in on the projectors and Film the youth sermon first day started to record the sermon videos for the youth something new we are doing :) 

 On the 5, My brother from collage came home and I show him a card trick. It alway nice it see him 
home for the weekend. I also film for the announcements for this week today :)



               On the 6 and 7, me and my brother test out the elgato game capture card. To see how it works and what setting we need to do. The thing about it is if you want to stream with it you have to have great internet.  If your just recording for a video it prefect for that :) 

Well, this is what I remember of my week. I maybe left some stuff out and if i remember anything I will go back and put it in. Im writing this on Nov. 19 so sorry about that :( but I have one Blog to catch up with my blogs and I will write it today :D Just for you guy 

I don’t have anything about drums right now but stay worm out there its cold in the winter lol

            Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

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