Monday, December 21, 2015

Photo Blog.... picture it up ?

Hello, People of the internet

This blog is going to be about photo of the past months and what I did. It might not be in the order of what happen, But i just wanted to share it :)

The Past Dec. 13 - Fed. 21 I took Photos of the stuff I did, So let get in the slide show lol :)

Let’s begin 

So these photos are around Christmas, I think about a week or 2 before Christmas. But I took this photos because its one of my favorite places to eat lol I don’t eat out a lot and I didn’t know they had mouthwash in the restroom lol I didn’t use it but that kind-of cool I guess lol :)

So I had to work late and these dinner I got after work, the first one is from work, that someone had a family gathering and ask me if I want so food :) The other is my favorite meal :) that my mom brought home taco shells so we had taco :D YUUUUMMMMM !!!!!!!!!

My younger Brother brought home some Bojangles so I can have some, THANKS little BRO !!!!! 

So these two pictures are from Christmas I got some gifts from work :) and the other is on christmas eve. Me and my family have a christmas eve party and open gifts and go see christmas light :) fun times !!

These photos of Starbucks, is because my dad got a gift card from someone from work, and told me and my brother to go get something for him and me and my brother :) so good. Like what i said before I don’t get out often lol but that just makes it that must more special :) 

I drove so my meal and coffee is the picture with the driving wheel lol

These are just some random photos, I cut a pineapple for the first time and bought some stuff for my GoPro lol 

Me and my brother like to eat at Checkers lol This was the night we saw the new Star Wars Movie, so good I LOVE it !!!!
Chips and cheese, Soooooooo gooooooood YUM

So this Year for our Staff Retreat We went to play Top Golf :D so much fun its like golf and bowling put together lol you have to hit the golf balls in the holes to get point and the closer to the pin you get more points and the farther the pin you get more points too. GREAT TIME!!
So on Twitch, a Live Stream I have been doing lately, I play games and mostly play drums on the stream. But I did some nice graphic for my stream. The first picture I made because I hit 200 followers on stream so I told them I will paint The Joker on my Batman Drum shell I all ready have Batman on it (My mom painted Batman )

These other one are for my stream when I’m offline 

So at church I help put up a sign for the kids lol looks good, right ? These photos are just some picture I took on the ruff :D

Just a random Photo I took lol

200 Follower hype stream !!!!!

The Photos you will see next it when I told my followers, when I hit 200 followers. I will paint “The Joker” on my drum shell.

I’m glad I got to paint this on my drum shell. It was so much fun !!!! Thank you to all my Incredible Peeps (My followers & Viewers ) <3 you guys !!!!! You make me an awesome stream :D Can’t wait to see want we will do next .

          Snow in Georgia ........?

These Are just some streamer I watch and support, If you want to check them out on Twitch.
 the first photo is chii            the second one is kyena 

 Go follow Chii on twitter to see when she is on Twitch

Go follow Kyena on twitter to see when she is on Twitch

 Well that all I have for now lol, Hope you guys like the Photos hahahaha. And on the next Blog I will have a video of the drum shell I painted The Joker on :D So don’t forget to see that one.

And like alway Incredible Peeps, stay AWESOME !!!!!

Until next time,

                                    -iDrum (James)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blog of Dec. 12

Hello, People of the Internet

On Dec 6 - 12

Like what I said in my last Blog, I just going to talk about the highlight of the week, on this blog because it Fed. 24 a month after the fact lol So I’m going to talk about some photos I took of the week and anything else I can think of lol :)

On the 13 is my brother’s birthday so we had some chinese food. It was so good, we had this on the 11, 

I make this out of the left overs its was so good you should try it lol cheese, ham, and chip :D I like to make food to eat 
And I got this toy to fly around for fun lol. I took it out and didn’t test it out first. So we I turn on the controller I push the up switch and it when up about 20 feet in 2 sec. wow so i push the switch down and got it stuck it a tree lol took me an hour or 2 to find it lol 
what a fun day !!!!!!!!!     

Well, that all I remember about that week lol Sorry I haven’t wrote in the blog been busy lol Sorry

Well, I’ll see you guys Later :D 

I well be writing the rest of the past months that I did in the next Blog lol It will be a lot on photos. lol So a photo blog :)

Until Next time, People of the Internet

                               Stay Incredible   - iDrum (James)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Senior Christmas Party?

Hi, People of the Internet

On Nov 29 - Dec 5 week

Like what I said in my last Blog, I just going to talk about the highlight of the week, on this blog because it Dec. 23 a month after the fact lol So I’m going to talk about some photos I took of the week and anything else I can think of lol :)

Our church is help A town, Eku, located in southern Nigeria, to raise money for a solar power system so they can have light and power for their needs to help with their education too,  this year for the angel tree we are supporting the kids in this Orphanage by getting them the stuff they need. So i just got a lot of stuff because I felt in my heart to :D We are bless to have the thing we too. So on this Holiday just give a moment to thanks God for all he does for you and your family and thanks him for what you do have :) 

So the Seniors of our church had the christmas party and they had every one wear a nice suit or dress if you are a lady. And i was invited to take Photos for the Christmas party it was amazing :D so of the lady seniors dress up the table with their own dishes, it look amazing. I took this photo with my phone before eat just to show what it was like. And I took some photo of me in my suit after the fact lol hahahaha here they are :D

I really enjoy this :) it was so much fun , I hope you enjoy reading this Blog, and don’t you think I look good in my suit? sent me a comment if you think so lol

Well thats all I have for this week, I can’t remember anything else that I did fun this week. 
But I hope you guys have an awesome day :) 

Oh and I stream on twitch too hahahahahahaha

Well, Until Next Time People of the Internet 

                         Stay Worm its cold out there

                                                        -iDrum (James)