Friday, July 3, 2015

God is Amazing :) June 29 - July 3

Hello, People of the Internet

The week of Jun 29 - July 3. I went to summer camp for our church because I’m a youth leader , so I could go to camp. The camp is 5 days long. It has a lake, zip line, house back riding, hummer ride. boat and other stuff. lol oh and the food is awesome hahahaha

I only went to summer camp 2 years so far, last year was awesome. Oh and if you didn’t know I film the summer camp so we have a video for the teenagers. so that why I went last year but I’m a youth leader too. This year I film and a youth leader too, it was just different because well I didn’t film the whole summer camp like last year, I mean I had 2 memory cards with about 42 GB and fill it up lol hahaha I film everything lol. So much footage to go though editing lol. But this year i didn’t film that much, just the important stuff. :)

This year I was more into being a youth Leader, I don’t know why but what happen was so amazing :) well let me start the story from the being. So it started by last year. Well going to summer camp helps you to get to know people. and last year I got to know so student and youth leaders. and by the way last year was when I got back from being it Ohio for 3 years working for my uncle. When I got back I went to our same church I go to in Georgia. And the Youth pastor ask me if I wanted to play the drums and be a youth Leader I said yes. So to go back to the story I was a new youth Leader didn’t know some of the people, but summer camp change that :)

Back to this year in Summer camp, we have this service called the “Burn service” that then the teenagers write on a peace of paper what things are holding them back from their relationship with God, and we go to the camp fire and burn them. Well 2 days ago, (sorry for skipping around in this story guys lol) after we had service. something was pulling at my heart. I stay in the meeting room for a while to see what it was, and then it happen. I just started crying hard and heavy and in the middle of all that I yell out so hard and loud that I didn’t know I could do that. But the funny thing is and the amazing thing is. It was like I was just there like I wasn’t in control of my body and I was in looking around and I was in my body but I wasn’t in control of it. As soon as I stop, the youth pastor came the meeting room. (while this was going on everyone had free time) so the youth pastor came in and ask me are you ok. I said yes but I was ok, like what I said earlier I was not in control on my body. Then he hug me and then I started cry like earlier and after all that he said if you need to talk about anything Im here for you. I said I don’t know why this happen I’m ok, and I don’t think this was for me pastor I said. I think I was for one of the teenager that needed to get something out. I think God was tell me something. (Remember this was 2 day before the burning service) At the Burning Service  God was telling me something. And the words was that someone was holding something that they don’t want anymore and its keep them from their relationship with God. And I don’t remember the rest but it was just like the words were just came out but that was the main part of what God was telling me. And when the service was over because it was starting to rain. Pastor said we will end the service here if you want to go in you can if you want to stay out here we well still pray and the youth leader will pray for you. (so you know this was at night) And then the best part happen. We were still at the camp fire and one of the teenager ask me Can we go back to the room and talk. I said ok yeah. So we started walking to the rooms. While we were walking I ask God please give me the words for this teenager that you have for me to say to them. And went we got to the room we sit down, he said now we got to get to know each one another pretty well so you’er the only one I trues to tell anyone about this, and  Then it happen the spirt of God just move (while I’m write this Im crying because it just move me every time i talk about it ) and we pray about it, and one thing I remember well was that God told me to said, is this thing is not hold you down any more we give it to you and the chains are broken by just saying your name Jesus........... Jesus................ and at that point I felt the lift off the teenagers shoulders ( I just started crying again, sorry) I don’t remember everything I say but God know and he is amazing. So I’m glad I when to camp this year . Oh yeah and when we started to going to the Camp, me and the lead pastor went early to set up the audio stuff for the meet room, and he ask me before do you want to stay at camp or go back home when he goes back on Tuesday morning and I said I’ll stay. because I wanted to do all the stuff at camp. But God have a plan :) and I’m glad I did. I just want to pray he name God is Amazing. He is awesome !!!!!!! Love you

So thats is what happen on June 29 - July 3. I know this blog is different but I’m glad I can share it with you. I wait a little time to write it because I knew the felling would come back and I’ll start crying agin, but the tears came back anyway. And they are happy tears because of the amazing thing God can do :)

I hope you enjoy that and if you need anything let me know, you cam message me and I will be there for you guys

Until Next time, People of the Internet

                                                  -iDrum (James)

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