Tuesday, November 22, 2016

VLOG 20161030

Hello Incredible peeps,

Today's vlog is about Krue and its first birthday!!!  Watch video to see some of it  :)

Here is the vlog

I know I keep saying it but I just love Krue! The  community is more like a family everyone on there is always so supportive of each other!  I  love you #kruefam stay incredible your amazing !!!!!
 In the vlog I had to include Jay and David's reaction to my video,  it was incredible lol :)
(and by the way David is on the left and Jay on the right if  you didn't know)

Only a few more days to vote for my PO box. Please make sure to click on the link below so you can help me decide what to do.

Make sure you are following me on Krue because I am planning on doign another giveaway in December for all my incredible peeps!  https://www.krue.tv/MRIncredible197

Have an awesome day incredible peeps , you are amazing just the way you are , #stayincredible

                    - MRIncredible197

VLOG 20161029

Hello Incredible peeps,

The blog/vlog today is mainly about my halloween costume and the party.   I had so much fun making the costume and even attending the party.  My brother was involved in a photoshoot, Make sure to watch the vlog!!

Here is the vlog

I've learned that it is not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts!
So remember incredible peeps friends and family are important, make sure to keep having fun and enjoy life!!

In my last blog I mentioned about opening a P.O box
Please click on the link below and vote  so I can decide whether or not to open one!

Make sure to go follow me on Krue.tv
You do not want to miss the incredible stream ideas I have for December.

Have an awesome day incredible peeps , you are amazing just the way you are , #stayincredible

                    - MRIncredible197

Sunday, November 20, 2016

VLOG 20161027

Incredible peeps,

Today, I had a bunch of errands to run so I was pretty busy.  In my vlog I  was able to order something pretty cool from Krue so make sure to watch to see what it was!!

Here is the vlog

 I have some really great advice that I wanted to share with you guys.  Treat others with kindness. You never know what they're going through. You may have the power to lift their spirits or break them. Choose your words carefully when you speak!

I am thinking about setting up a P.O. Box but before I do, I want to know if you guys would actually send me anything?  If so I have a really incredible idea.  I was thinking if some of you incredible peeps sent me stuff for christmas I could do a really cool christmas stream opeing up gifts etc.

Please click on the link and vote about the question above.

I am so excited for my streaming in December it is going to be so lit!!  Make sure to go follow me now because I am planning on doing another giveaway on krue!!

https://www.krue.tv/MRIncredible197  More about the December fun in one of my next blogs.

Have an awesome day incredible peeps , you are amazing just the way you are , #stayincredible

 - MRIncredible197

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

VLOG 20161026

Hey Peeps,

 Editing filming and streaming,this is my life!  I really enjoy it so much. It is the BEST THING EVER!

I am also very lucky to have the best and most supportive friends ever.  You guys are the ones that make this all happen.  I love each and every one of you.

Here the vlog 

You guys don't know how much I enjoy talking with you guys, whether it is on stream or on any of my social media.  It makes me feel like I'm  there for you guys, if you know what i mean? :)
Make sure if you haven't scroll back in some prior blogs so you can see the links for all of my social media.

Also make sure to follow me on Krue.tv (Where I live stream my music)

Stay tuned for my next blog/vlog

 Like always #stayincredible


VLOG 20161025

Hi Incredible peeps

My October 25th blog/vlog is about the halloween costume I am making.  I am sure you guys saw some sneak previews on my other social media.  I am so excited to go to the halloween party and show off the costume I have made!

here is the vlog

Thank you incredible peeps for all your continual support!!

Make sure to follow me on Krue.tv  so you don't miss any of my incredible streams! I hope to see you soon!


Stay tuned for my next blog and vlog

 Like always #stayincredible


VLOG 20161022

Hi, Incredible Peeps

I am so sorry that I was not able to stream the day after i got partnered on krue.  I was just very busy so I couldn't get on.  Now that I got Partnered I will be planning my 12 hour stream.  I am so excited for that broadcast, it will be so much fun!!

Make sure to watch the vlog to see what I was up to

here is the vlog 

I just wanted to once again thank all of you incredible peeps for helping me to become a partner on Krue!  Without you guys requesting me to become partner I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now!  I love you all!

Thank you again, and #stayincredible

                          - MRIncredible197

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

VLOG 20161023

Hi  Incredible peeps:

Today Ocober 23th my nephew and I worked on something really cool!! Make sure to watch my vlog so you can see what we did!

here is the vlog

My incredible peeps are so awesome, you always leave me such kind comments on my social media as well as my stream chats!!

You guys are truly amazing and wonderful people!! I love you all!
I can't wait for you guys to hear the incredible news I have to share with you.  That will be coming up in a blog really soon!!

Make sure to follow my social media because I post videos on there as well.

Here are the links:

Thank you
and Like always #stayincredible

VLOG 20161020

Hi Incredible peeps

Guess what??? Something  happened on 10/20 !  I am just so happy!  It was so incredible!   I'll give you a hint it has to do with the livestreaming site Krue!  You need to make sure to watch my vlog for more information!!

Here is the Vlog

I wanted to say thank you to all of my incredible peeps!! Be ready for my 12 hour stream on Krue.tv this Saturday, November 12th!
I am so excited about this broadcast because I have so many fun activities planned.   Games, Giveaways and drums!

Follow me now on Krue.tv/mrincredible197 so you don't miss this incredible stream!! I know I have said this a lot lately in my blogs but I just love Krue.

Make sure to also follow me on:

Love you all and #Stayincredible
