Saturday, August 29, 2015


Hello. People of the Internet

On the week August 23 - 29. I have a fun time :)

On the 23, I ran the production team like every Sunday, and this Sunday we had a new person run the media in the kids room. So I went down there with him, his a teenager and I show him how to run the PC, sound and all that stuff he needed to know lol

so that was fun showing them how to do it :)

 On, the 24, I had band practice for the youth band. and I also edit 3 videos for work :)

On, the 25 Tuesday. Me and my brother cut the grass and we went to get pizza. While we were driving on the road the pizza place was at, we saw a radio station in the front of the place with a tent but we didn’t go over but we just wanted to go home. And there was a lot of people there too :) lol

On the 26, Wednesday I was busy I had to run the audio at the main build at church, and then after I when to the youth build and did the PC and put the sermon on the projector, after the sermon we played music. I LOVE PLAYING THE DRUMS

Oh and for dinner I made a good sandwich lol I have a pic lol I melt cheese and salami and jalapeƱos yum so good :)

Here a is a photo 

That sandwich was good :) yum

On the 27, I move my room around to make a space for me to stream lol. So i move my drum set to make the room, It looks so cool. and don’t worry this doesn’t mean I’m not stopping playing the drums, (when you see the photo it looks like I pack the drum up so I don’t play any more lol ) but I didn’t :)

here is the photo

I took that photo because it look cool how I pack it up lol

I will start playing my electric drum set more. and going to try to started something new on streaming, play the drums on streams :) should be fun

And my brother came home from collage Thursday night, it alway cool to see him. and I just finish streaming when he walk in at 12am and we talk about lift and what was going out with each other. Nice talk :)

On the 28,  I got my cord in the mail for my computer laptop MacBook Pro to hook up my HDMI cable to my smart TV for second monitor. So I can stream better. Im so HAPPY and it cost only $2 :) 

Here is the Photo

It works great I’m glad I got it :) 

On the 29, it was just a normal Saturday lol hangout and stream and made dinner lol

oh yeah we hit 100 followers, so I will paint my face on  stream and have a follower party stream :) soon YEAH so Happy !!!!!

So I hope you like my like and what going on in it :) soon I will have a drum cover and talk more about drums 

Well be safe, People of the Internet 

                                               -iDrum (James)

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Flag Case

Hello, People of the Internet

On the week go August 16 - 22

   On the 16. Me and my little brother when to buy something for my dad’s birthday. So we were going to get my dad a gamer chair that sits on the floor so he can sit on the floor. when he watches movies bc he’s been doing that lastly, lol hahahahaha

But I notice that he wanted to to take better care of his dads military flag so I made my dad a flag case for his birthday. We gave him the flag on the 22, but we made the case on the 21. and got the stuff for the case on the 16. :)

Here is the photo of the Flag Case

We also got taco bell the dare tacos, Wow now if you didn’t try it you should lol

Here is a photo

Look at what I did #itookthedare lol piece of cake lol if the cake
 was really hot :) haha

We went to other store and saw some some that was pretty cool, we went to a sports store, a games store, and some normal shopping stores. Here is what we saw that was pretty cool and that other people we know would like so I took a photo of it. :) 

Here is a tool box, my Uncle would like :) 
his is from ohio and he love Harley Davidson, 
so I took the photo for him :)  

This is a golf bag I saw that a friend would like lol

And here is one of my Favorite things we saw Star Wars golf covers lol 

I took a photo of this for my little brother that love Star Wars 
and he’s the brother that in collage (not the one with me now at the store lol)

     While we were out we stop at a game store to just see what was there, we look around for a while and then there it was, Headphone......................... all in it boxes. Big headset and little headsets, headsets in all different sizes and very high prizes lol hahahahaha so true. But that was one different from the other so different there some one would of miss it out of the other headsets lol (lol I’m tell this story will its a book hahahaha funny ) when I found the headsets thats was great for me and cheap 39.99 yes!!! the other headsets was all about 70 and up. So i got a good price :)

I got these headsets for streaming games on Twitch, if you want to check it out, here is the link 

Here is the photo of the headsets I got

so now, I can stream awesome for my Incredible fans/viewers :) 

On 19, I play the drum at the youth band like what I alway do :) so fun!!!! but at the end of service we played the musical chair but without a CD track, it was the band. That was fun because we started slow then when there was only to people left we got faster, and i was fast on the drums. I had a lot of people saying wow I didn’t know you could play that fast lol :) 

On 20, I stream on Twitch 

On, I stream as well and got 93 follower and took all my viewers on stream that I will Paint my face, when we hit 100 followers :)

On 22, we have my dad’s birthday party it was amazing I love him so much !!!!

I hope you like this blog it was fun writing about my week :)

be safe out there guys :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                   -iDrume (James)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Finally a Drum Cover

hello, People of the Internet

On the week August 9 - 15

On the 9, I put up an Youtube cover/collaboration with another Youtube. It awesome because I ask her I could pt some drum to her cover and her said YES,. :) here I will take a screen shot of it, right now lol

 She Is an really awesome and amazing person :) if you go check her YouTube channel you will be why :)

Here is the link  If you go to her channel tell her I sent you. That would make her day !!!!

So here is the song we cover and we hope you enjoy it !!!!!! :)

YouTuber making a cover :)

I don’t remember what day we went to the movies with my two brothers, but we did. So my two younger brother had planes to see a movie. And they ask me to go with them I need seen the trailers for this movie, so I didn’t know what it was going to be about. So I went to spend time with my brothers because this is one of my brothers that is in collage. (like what I talk about in the last Blog, he’s staying for 2 weeks) well the movie was "Mad Max” I don’t know if I like it, it wasn’t my type of movie but the action scenes was good.  I’m saying anything bad about the movie... its just not my type of movie I would watch lol

We also played more Star Wars card lol :) and on Wednesday I when to play the drum for youth band like alway and it alway fun :)  and like every week practice on Mondays and film the announcement for church :) I love it

And on the 15, I ran all the Media stuff for a Funeral for a church family at church. It when good. I never did the media for a funeral be for. oh and I all so made a slide show of the people. so this week was busy

I hope you enjoy this Blog. At less I did some thing with drums lol I don’t remember anything else fun I did this week. But if you like the Drum Cover please like the video and go check our Amy channel and talk she I sent you !!!!!!!!! :) thanks

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ukulele Stream (July 29 - August 8)

Hello People of the Internet

On the week July 29 - August 8

I stream and filmed. I been stream for a while and the past month I stream this game on PC called Hearthstone, Its fun because its a card game and you can play matches with your viewers.  This game is awesome to stream because it give you plane of time to talk to your viewers while you are playing the game. I also did a stream this week playing my ukulele. And it when really great, I only stream for about two hours and I got 7 viewers so amazing, because I was just messing around on my ukulele lol hahahaha, I want to play the drums on a stream some time it would be fun :)

Here are some photos of my stream

     It was a great time play the Ukulele for my stream, they gave me some song request. And I try playing them. So of the songs I didn’t know but I try it and it went bad. The viewer enjoy it any ways lol :)

      So if you want to check out my stream ? you can Its fun and if you want to hear me play a song you can ask and give me a song request :)

Oh yeah and if you want to check it out? here is the link

Also what happen in this week (July 29 - August 8 ) My brother from collage came home to stay about 2 weeks :D. It the week he got some more Star Wars card. like in past Blogs we play a lot of Star Wars card. :) 

So this week was so much fun!!!!!!

So I just wanted to share what happen on that week because I didn’t know that could happen. And by the way the viewers can follow you so they can see when to go live. and at the start of the week I only had 62 followers and now I have 87 :) so happy 

 I know this is different , then what I normally write but this is my life :) and I like telling you guys about it :)   Well I hope you guys have a great week :)

I know its Aug 8 when I’m writing this ......... lol but like what I said in past Blog Im trying to catch up on the days I miss . But its ok I want to share those weeks. That is way I’m writing for the whole week lol :)

Until the Next Time, People of the internet

                                                       -iDrum (James)