Saturday, September 26, 2015

Nephew Birthday

    Hi People of the Internet

On the Sep. 20 - 26

So on Sunday the 20, I ran the camera on the 2nd service. It was fun because I normal run the the lights board and having a different thing to do once in a while is awesome a different change on paces lol. Plus if you don’t know Im the production leader some I need to know everything there :) and I do lol

Monday the 21, I edit videos like I do every monday because I love videos/ film make :) It my job! I also had practice for youth band. and after that I believe if I remember the right days. (like what I said in the past few blog Im writing this on Oct. 5 lol) Well the worship leader my good friend ask if i was hungry and I was so we went to eat and the only place open is waffle house, Well he payed for my food. I told he he didn’t have too. but I payed for him last time we went so he payed for me :) and got me a coffee because I was going to stay up for awhile lol I didn’t even get home until 4am that day, Because i was editing videos :)

That morning I was watching some streamer to fall asleep and I was watch one of my favorite streamer. And she was giving away a game, when I just got on and at that sec, I put in my points ( now points are earn by watching the stream every 30min is 1 point and I had 867 points ) so I put 400 points and I was the last one it the giveaway and I won the game :) so cool and awesome all the chat congrad me on winning the game :) The game is The Walking Dead and I didn’t know lol but I will play it on stream lol So that was a really crazy day 

  On the 22, we had pizza

On the 23, I played the drums at church and we play musical chairs like we did that one day on Wednesday  a few weeks ago the band played the music :) so awesome

On the 24 - 26, I stream and on the 26 my nephew had a birthday party and I got him a train set, he said he alway wanted this :) made me happy :) sooooooo HAPPY !!!!! I love you nephew he’s 5

So that was my week, If you have any question and just want to talk you can message me on

I you need anything let me know, remember sharing is caring :)

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                       -iDrum (James)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

not schedale week ............

Hello People of the Internet

On the week on Sep. 13-19

So I don’t remember what days I did what. But I will share what I did in the week. So like normal I practice drums for youth band in the youth at the church I work at and I also film and edit videos this week like normally lol. I wanted to change my look so I did some I did some different beard styles lol.

Streaming is so much fun I want to try to find a schedale for my stream sometime it would be awesome to set a time to stream every day and different time in the week for everyone everywhere can watch the stream :)

One thing I think I remember what day I did it on. Well on Friday my friend and leader of the youth band worship leader made a sound box for the drums to control the sound of the drums :) its awesome

Oh yeah and me and my brother went to a mall strip and found this awesome cool sweeter :)
I love it, but i did get it:(  I need to go back to buy it lol

here are the photo of the week 

If you like this sweeter please let me know because I don’t know if I should buy it. you can message me on 

I hope you like this blog :) 

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                            -iDrum (James)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Im running in the rain

Hello People of the Internet

On the week of September 6 - 12

On the 6 - 9

I have a get week, I made a banana and peanut butter sandwich for the first time in a long time, I also on Tuesday the 8 I got up way early to run its been a while since I have ran but when I got half way to the place I wanted to reach it started to rain. The bad thing about rain then you run is if you have a audio device it will get wet ( and I had it in a case lol) so the old phone didn’t started back up until a few days later lol :). and another thing is if you wear glasses you have to dry them off :) and after it. On the 9 I finish my dads flag case I didn’t do the back because of some stuff that didn’t work. But I got it. I put a handle and some velcro so you can take it off. Thats case looks so good and you can take the flag out with the back that has the velcro. Im so glad I made that because it means a lot more building something then buying it :)

Here are some Photos 

My Dad’s fathers flag, the case I made for my dad on his Birthday :)

  The day I ran and it rain :(

On the 10 - 12, I went to the mall with my brother so he could buy some shoes. And so we went in some stores. In one store I ran it to one of my friends in high school sisters that I met like 2 time. And when I saw her I for got she name, but we tall a little to catch up lol I needed shoes soon and I was walking and saw some awesome kick lol (I guess that what kids call them these days lol) It was awesome that she remember my name because we only saw each other a few time in high school that I remember ? But i did hang out with she brother (my friend) a lot. and after we left the mall I remember she name. lol wow that was crazy and awesome.

Here is a photo of my new shoes 

I also stream and did some good Gameplay lol if you want to check I out you can go to Twitch

Im behind in my blogs I’m write this on Oct 5 hahaha sorry trying to catch up :)

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                            -iDrum (James)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

100 followers stream party

Hello. people of the Internet 

On August 30 - September  5. Was an great week.

On the 30, I wen to church and ran the production team. They did a great job. I’m so glad I for the volunteers that I have on the production team. They are so awesome at what they do :)

On the   31,  I went to practice fro the youth band and we play some great songs

On the 1, I told me viewers on twitch if we hit 100 followers we would have a stream party. Well they did and I have a followers stream party. it was fun first we played some games first then after that I paint my face ( i told them i would do that lol) and then we did some question and answers lol FUN!!!!! and we also played the ukulele want a great time :) thanks for all who was there. It meet a lot just you being there :)

Here are some Photos of the stream Party lol


       This is when I did questions and answers, if the viewers gets the answer right their name will get on the board lol FUN :)


  We played Hearthstone and talk about stuff lol

So this day was great. thanks everyone foe a great time :) 

 we hit the goal  100 followers 

 we also got pizza lol like aways yum. I don’t remember what else I did :(                               ( I’m writing this on the 16 lol)

On the 2, I did so editing and play the drum for the youth band, they did something fun, they played that song I don’t know the song but I thanks it going like this “wrip and nana” or something lol the song is all about dance moves from different times lol I tried it lol it was funny 

On the 3, It was just a normal day, well i made a banana and peanut butter sandwich yum 

On the 4, I cut the grass lol

On the 5, I try a different beard style lol

Well thats all people of the Internet, I hope you had a great day

-iDrum (James)