Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fall Festival, and worship conference. What a great week!

Hello, People of the Internet

On the week of Oct. 25 - 31. I don’t remember what day it was but I find these videos. I like it so much that I wanted to share them. Sorry I don’t remember what day I’m writing this blog on Nov. the 18 I know it almost be a month until I wrote in my blog. But I will catch up this week :)

Here are the Videos

This is so great because its some creative and also
a great simple idea for drummer to do :)

This video is almost the thing thing in the first Video 
But I like it because its funny and by that it grab your you in the performance 

On the 25, we have a celebration for our senior pastor for 35 years as pastor,  It was amazing!! the service was great and we have a lunch at a really nice place to celebrate the day. I film it so we can make a CD for pastor of the day :) This was the day pastor became Pastor Emeritus. Im so happy for him :D

 On the 26, I work on some editing and had band practice. I stay there the whole day so I bought food and a drink I got pop graph because it my favorite and it had this monster because it was Oct. and almost halloween. so I took a photo if it lol
On the 27,  there was a funeral it was someone from our church. There was so many people there. I was there, but I need to run the production so I was working. Not to hurt anyone filling but the service went great the production went smoothie and there were so many people there. I glad I there was to make everything go to plan :)  

On the 28, was the Fall Festival, We have a lot we do at the church. We have inflatables, train rides, hay rides, face painting, games, prizes and a candy rain thats were we get all the kids and some people just throw candy out and the kids pick up the candy. the kids love it. I have photo but not the one I took for the church :)

Here are some photos

            This photo is of one of the games, me and the youth paster built for the Fall Festival that goes outside for the kids 

           This is how we pick up the hay for the hat ride lol hahahahaha in a church bus because we didn’t have a truck lol name to say any name but   (cough ....... youth pastor) joke :) I told he we could just use this as a bus hay ride lol that would be new lol that was funny.   (maybe you had to be there)

On the 29, was just a normal day lol or I don’t remember what I did, Because Im just now writing this on Nov. the 18 lol I think I stream some that day on Twitch

On the 30, I went to a worship conference with my best friend the youth worship leader, his wife and one of my volunteer from the production team. We have a great time. I really enjoyed it because when you work at the church and run the production team every service, its just good to be able to just worship and just let go :) If you know what i mean, you know. I worship when I doing the production stuff, but when your doing the production your up there to make sure the service goes well :) It was just nice not to worry about a thing when worshiping :) and just let it go.

I have some videos I just have to put them on here later

On the 31, we and we I mean we (my family) we just chill out and watch some TV and I when to church to film and edit a video for Sunday :) 

So that was my week of Oct. the 25 - 31, I hope you enjoy it and the videos on the new drum/ street drums that was a good idea if you don’t want to play a drum set but you like to hit stuff you can make a lot of different stuff with using everyday items and PBC pipes :) 

               Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                            - iDrum (James)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Pie Eating Contest (Bucket list)

Hi, People of the Internet

On  Oct, 18 - 24 I had an awesome week,

My week started out amazing, First thing you remember my last blog I talk about the lock-in at church? Well its Sunday the 18 and today is the chili cook-off yeah, GREAT CHILI and other awesome stuff lol. This year we are doing something different. We are having a Staff pie easting contest YEAH and I’m in it :) Just so you know guys a eating contest is in my bucket list :D so I got one of my bucket list things done today!!! hahaha and the best part is i have it on camera lol

Here is the video 

Here is a photo after the fact lol

On Monday the 19 I went to band practice and edit videos lol and east some corn dogs YUM

On Tuesday I stream on twitch and had am awesome time with my incredible Peeps there :)

On Wednesday I edit more videos and had church played the drums in the youth and just had a great time worshiping God :D

On Thursday I pick the last on the Peppers we had in the garden a basket full and we still have more in the garden lol and when I was there picking. I could see next store and I saw a people and they said “ James is that you. “ I said yeah and walk up to them I didn’t see who it was and when I saw who I said “ hey how did you know where I live?” he said I didn’t this is where my dad lives. The guys is a good friend from church. that was awesome seeing him there :) lol cool

Here is a photo of the peppers

and Friday and Saturday was just a normal weekend for me, watch tv. play games, stream, edit and run the sound for the band at church for practice on Saturday for the main church. As you know I’m the production leader :)

Well I want to leave you with something with drums so like in the last Blog I’m going to talk about stomp again. This week is this video of Stomp :)

You don’t need any Instruments to be in Stomp lol hahaha 

Please write in the comment what you thing ? I want to hear from you :)
And by the way I’m writing this Blog on Nov 4 at 12:38 am to catch up on the blogs lol Sorry guys

Well, Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                              -iDrum (James)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lock-in my office

Hi, People of the Internet

so on the week of Oct, 11 - 17

So I know about the group called stomp for a long time ago, and I was watching bucket drumming this week and I just remember about “Stomp” and wanted to watch it. This is a really good video. In this video of Stomp they play music with brooms. If you don’t know what Stomp is - Its a drum group that use everyday items. Its awesome :D

If you like drumming you should check out more Stomp videos, its amazing !!!!!

So, like every Monday I edit and go to band practice :) and bring the week I did some yard work, Cutting down some branches and picker bushes lol I cut a lot down lol it was great I like doing yard work hahahahaha it make the yard look good and give you a work out too :D

This is a photo of the yard work I did during the week hahaha

And on Saturday the 17, our church had a lock-in for the youth and I’m a youth leader so I went, but i needed to film the announcement video for Sunday so I have to film one of the youth leader that we help raise money to go on a mission trip and we need a video of her saying thanks so i put her in the announcement with another youth leader and we film at 9 pm and I needed the video done by 7am Sunday. After we filmed at 9:45pm we went down to the lock-in and had fun. At around 1:30am Sunday I took the youth pastor I needed to edit so I went to my office and I had a lot of time to edit before church start hahaha  I thought, but we just updated the PC and while I was edit it keep massing up :( so I didn’t finish until 6:43am and church start at 8 so I only got a hour a sleep :( 

This is a photo of me sleeping in the office for the lock-in because I didn’t want to walk down to the gym because it was cold outside hahahaha 

So I hope everyone enjoy this Blog, I wrote about drums this week hahahahaha but really check out stomp its great :)

Well See you in the next Blog, People of the Internet

                                              -iDrum (James)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Blog on the week Oct, 4 - 10

Hi, People of the Internet

So on the week Oct, 4 - 10

I had a great time :)

So like every Monday I edit videos ( love media ) and I have band practice too. I know most people hate Mondays but I love Mondays :)

On the 6 Tuesday I stream on my twitch alway fun seeing my viewers :) there!!! they all are amazing and Incredible :D  I want to just take a moment and give them a shout out :) WHAT UP !!!!!! INCREDIBLE PEEPS !!!!!!!!!!

On the 7th at the staff meeting we went to eat BBQ. I have pork on a baked potato that was delicious

Sorry I didn’t take a photo of the food :(

On Wednesday I also had church and played the drums :)

I think. I'm funny sometime lol :D

Got home late and having Chinese food. And watching one of my favorite streamers @Neith_is_here

I alway like helping other streamers out!!!!

So lately I’ve been doing streaming and writing about it lol, I know I said I would write about drums and drum stuff but I’ve been doing other life stuff bur next Blog I will write about drums :)

I hope you guys still enjoy the Blog of my life and stuff lol I try to keep it different some times lol hahahahahaha 

remember Im behind on writing in my Blogs Im writing this one on Oct. 24 lol

Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                -iDrum (James) 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Viewer from my stream made a intro song for ME !!!! :)

Hi People of the Internet

on the week of Sep. 27 - Oct 3

I have band practice and film videos :) what a great time. I had a normal week this week. Im write this blog on the 17 of Oct. at 4:25am I had a nap and I couldn’t sleep lol.

Now that I’m writing this blog, I still can’t remember what I did. There was something funny that I saw happen I public but I don’t remember :( sorry

But I was looking at my phone and saw some picture I took at our senior adult class trip that I went on as the photographer. It was so much fun!!! It was an apple factory kind of store. Apple every where lol apple pie, apple crisp. anytime you can think of with apples it was there :)

Here is a picture on my phone

I know I talking about my stream a lot but one of my favorite viewers made me a intro song for my stream and it was awesome, BIG shout out to Halo (my viewers name). I made a highlight on my stream if you want to check out that in my stream when it happen. 

and here is Halo youtube video of the song check it out its awesome and go subscribe to him he’s awesome :)

Thanks again Halo for the great Intro song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) and if you guys want to check out my stream some time here is the link, and go follow its free, remember share is caring :) and by following it lets you know when I’m online streaming :) 

oh yeah we also made some drawing and emote for the stream that night too lol 

so,  be Incredible be a Peep lol 

This is just one I made lol 

Well I know this was some much different then the blogs I did but its cool, switch it up a little lol 

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                           -iDrum (James)