Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lock-in my office

Hi, People of the Internet

so on the week of Oct, 11 - 17

So I know about the group called stomp for a long time ago, and I was watching bucket drumming this week and I just remember about “Stomp” and wanted to watch it. This is a really good video. In this video of Stomp they play music with brooms. If you don’t know what Stomp is - Its a drum group that use everyday items. Its awesome :D

If you like drumming you should check out more Stomp videos, its amazing !!!!!

So, like every Monday I edit and go to band practice :) and bring the week I did some yard work, Cutting down some branches and picker bushes lol I cut a lot down lol it was great I like doing yard work hahahahaha it make the yard look good and give you a work out too :D

This is a photo of the yard work I did during the week hahaha

And on Saturday the 17, our church had a lock-in for the youth and I’m a youth leader so I went, but i needed to film the announcement video for Sunday so I have to film one of the youth leader that we help raise money to go on a mission trip and we need a video of her saying thanks so i put her in the announcement with another youth leader and we film at 9 pm and I needed the video done by 7am Sunday. After we filmed at 9:45pm we went down to the lock-in and had fun. At around 1:30am Sunday I took the youth pastor I needed to edit so I went to my office and I had a lot of time to edit before church start hahaha  I thought, but we just updated the PC and while I was edit it keep massing up :( so I didn’t finish until 6:43am and church start at 8 so I only got a hour a sleep :( 

This is a photo of me sleeping in the office for the lock-in because I didn’t want to walk down to the gym because it was cold outside hahahaha 

So I hope everyone enjoy this Blog, I wrote about drums this week hahahahaha but really check out stomp its great :)

Well See you in the next Blog, People of the Internet

                                              -iDrum (James)

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