Saturday, November 14, 2015

Movie Night, Want some Popcorn ?

Hi, People of the Internet

On the week of Nov.  8 - 14, I had an great time :) On the 9th I had practice like normal :D and I edit some videos lol hahaha some old song and sing lol but like last week I talk about I was editing late and the Worship Youth Leader came back to church to do some stuff at church so we Jam a little bit lol :D Fun stuff. Here is the link if you didn’t read the last Blog

    After he left I ate some popcorn that was in my office while I was finishing editing lol some good. Popcorn makes me want to watch a movie or go to the movies lol. I guess that what everyone would do though lol hahahaha :)

On the 10th I went to the hospital about a week or 2 ago with my sister that she ask me to go with her just so if she could drive back I would drive. She went to do a check on something. but I got these $1 coins and spend them today for gas lol And we got Pizza today too. When we went in and got to the counter the lady say and said our last friend lol I guess we got to there to must lol :)

On the 11th, I played the drum for the youth band like every week drums are some amazing you don’t get tire of it lol well at lease I don’t lol maybe other drummers do. I don’t ........ Know hahahaha  This week at church I run back and forth to the youth house and the production team lol So for the sermon at the Youth we talk about Samson and how he was strong, so we had a MMA Fighter one of our Youth Pastor friend. I was so cool because I made a video for him on Tuesday the 10th I forgot lol so he can come thought the door like in a match that he would fight with a song and video. It was amazing the teenagers love it :)


            So this is a photo of me and the MMA Fighter, he is so funny too and so nice. The Youth Pastor told he’s friend the MMA Fight. “What would it feel like being on the other end of the fight with you” so he show us some stuff and he pick up the Youth Pastor like it was nothing lol hahahaha wow that was so funny :D

So that service was fun and really great!!!! and power even at the end 

 On the 12th and 13th I stream on Twitch and had a normal day with My awesome and Incredible Peeps on stream my amazing viewers. I also help my other streaming friends on Twitch :D Oh and one of my streaming friend chat viewers sent me this because I am so nice and Incredible lol hahahahaha its a video on YouTube and I wanted to put it on my stream on Twitch.  Here is the link if you want to check it out I play the ukulele and the drums on stream and video games. Twitch is for video gamers but I like to which it up lol

The video 

So On Saturday the 14th I when to church to film the announcement video for church with my good friend, well I  count him as brother because he’s alway there for me. :) after we film he was going to go but he went to pick up something for the Youth Pastor and I went with him, to go pick up a stack for a sign we made for Pastor Emeritus ( you can read about this in this Blog  - ) when we were out he had a lot of people say hey that he knows lol, when we got back we plan on going to the movies so, we did and guess what we went in the movie and the person who was taking the ticket knows him lol hahahaha that was funny and then I bought popcorn and drinks for us. We went to see Maze Runners the 2nd one. Wow that movie ending to good lol Not going to say anything lol ...........................   Anything JK

So we were hunger and there was a place near the movies so we went there to eat it was only about $8 for what we got. He pay for me i said he didn’t have too, but he wanted too. I said thank you so much. And guess what happen? ..................... he saw another person he knew wow my friend knows everyone in the city I told he lol he laugh hahahaha that was an awesome night and I work on the announcement video late until about 2am to get it done lol  But here is a photo of the food I got lol.

Well, I hope you enjoy my life this week and I just catch up with my Blogs.......... so you guys know what I do and what is good ......... lol I’m writing this on Nov. 21 at 5:50am I did go to sleep yet lol But I did it :D

Well, I need some shut eye lol hahaha

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                Good Night

                                        -iDrum (James)

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