Monday, October 31, 2016

Partnered ?!?!?!?!?!

Hey Incredible peeps, 

On October 20th 2016 I became a partner on the live-streaming site   I was so shocked when it happened.  I had 127 partner requests and didn't know if or when it was going to happen.   I was so overwhelmed with emotion. (make sure to check out my video below)   I was busy playing a Taylor swift song when TeamKrue came into my stream to partner me.  I am so grateful and thankful for everyone's congratulations and tips that day! It was one of the most INCREDIBLE experiences of my life. 

Now that I am a partner I am able to receive tips from viewers while I stream. I am so excited about that.  I also am able to talk with the other partners.  I have big ideas and possibly some collabs on the way so stay tuned. 

For those of you who missed my prior blog, is the most amazing app out there.  It is a live-streaming site for musicians.  The community is always so positive and supportive to every streamer.  I am just so happy to be a partner now.  
Make sure you go to so you can follow me.  I have 213 incredible peeps following me and I love each and every one of them.  

I wanted to apologize because I haven't streamed the past couple of days, I was pretty busy over the weekend of October 15th because my older brother came home for a visit .  I got to spend some family time with him which was incredible! 

My regular streaming schedule will resume very soon at 2pm EST :)

I promised that once I made partner that I would do a 12 hour stream.  I have tentatively scheduled it for Saturday, November 5th.  I just found out that it was my nieces birthday party that day, so things may change. I am sorry I can't do it sooner but I have been extremely busy.  I have so many exciting things planed for that stream.  I definitely want to try to do a Q&A segment and maybe even play some cool games.  Let me know if you have any suggestions. 

Thanks incredible peeps for reading and like always #stayincredible 

                                     - MRIncredible197 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

VLOG 20161016

Hey Incredible Peeps:

This is my Oct. 16th blog and vlog.  I am sorry that this one will be extremely short.
Make sure to tune in to my next blog/vlog because I had some BIG news!
I am so excited to share it with you!!

I am also working on something really amazing for you incredible peeps!
Make sure to keep up with all of my social media so you don't miss out.

Here is the Vlog

I am still working very hard on the costume for the Halloween party I am going to .
The original idea I had was not working so I need to do it a different way.
I think I will make a DIY video on it.

Incredible peeps do you want me to do an Halloween stream?!?!?!?!
Let me know on my social media or comment below if you think I should or not

 Love you all and like always #stayincredible


Monday, October 24, 2016

VLOG 20161015

Hey Incredible Peeps,

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog
and vlog.

This vlog was from October 15th  and I had an incredible day!  
Make sure to watch the video so you can see what I did.
In the vlog,  I talk about a health issue I have and also a secret remedy that helps me deal
with it.

Here is the Vlog 

I am so excited to share so amazing news with you, my incredible peeps.  Be ready for it
because it will be in one of my next blogs.  It is so AWESOME!! I am so excited to share
this with you.

I also can't wait to show you the costume I am working on for a Halloween party I am going

Thank you again for all the kind comments you peeps leave on my social media and my
stream chats.
You guys are truly amazing and wonderful people!! I love you all!
I can't wait for you guys to hear the incredible news I have.

Make sure to follow my social media because I post videos on there as well.

Here are the links:

Also make sure to follow me on (Where I live stream my music)

Stay tuned for my next blog and vlog

 Like always #stayincredible


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

VLOG 20161014

Good Morning Incredible peeps

Today, I'm blogging about the Vlog that I did on October 14th.   I think that this was the most fun I have had vlogging to date.  Its was fun because I want to try some trick waterbottle shots and I end up making some awesome ones lol.  Some of you may have seen my instagram video with this in it but the vlog has it in more detail.  ( )   

                                         here is the vlog

Comment below which water bottle trick you like the best !!!?!?!?! I would love to hear your responses.

So incredible peeps , you know I love drums. but if this is your first time reading my blog you might not know that lol.  I love searching the internet for awesome drummer videos.  Today I found this really amazing one. This guy really rocks out.  
Check out the link below to watch the video

I hope you enjoyed that video as much as I had.   I would love to try and do something like that in one of my livestreams.    If you think this is a good idea, message me on any of my social media.

Here are the links:
instagram : mrincredible197/
snapchat : add/MRIncredible197
twitter : MRIncredible197

 Hope you incredible peeps have an awesome morning and STAY INCREDIBLE!!


Sunday, October 16, 2016

VLOG 20161012



Monday, October 10, 2016

VLOG 20161010


Sunday, October 9, 2016

VLOG 20161009

Hello Incredible peeps

I’m catching up on some blogs that I am behind on.  Today is Oct. 16th,  and I am working on the blog for the Oct. 9th vlog. YES I am very behind. LOL

Today I want to talk about LIVE streaming, Streaming is so much fun to do!! People come watch you perform or play games.  You get the opportunity to chat with the people all over the world.   Its like a TV show and Skype put together.  Many of those people watch you on a daily basis and became like family. Its just so much fun !!! I love it!!

Well I’ll talk about streaming more after you watch my vlog :)

Here is the vlog 

Welcome back guys :) to my blog !!!!! lol I hope you enjoyed the vlog.

So if you guys didn’t know, I started Live streaming about a year ago.  Twitch is a site for gamers and I started streaming while playing video games.   I eventually noticed they had a tab for music, So I started playing drums on there.   I really wanted to stream from my phone so I found this streaming site called YouNow, and sign up.  For some reason it didn’t work on my phone, so
I decided to stream from my computer. It worked!  Slowly,  I was getting away from streaming from Twitch and streaming more on YouNow. About two months ago I found this streaming website that was for musicians.  WOW so cool a place where people love music and only want to hear music :) The site is called Krue.   I love Krue so much it is an amazing live streaming site !!!! The people there are all like family, everyone is so nice and very supportive.  In a short amount of time YOU "Incredible peeps" got me to 186 followers and I am hoping very soon to become a Krue Partner.  As a Krue partner you are able to earn tip money from viewers.  I am so excited about this.  To become a partner you have to reach ATLEAST 100 partner requests before Krue looks to see if you meet the requirements to become a partner. Getting partnered can happen anytime after you hit 100.
We have 123 requests right now and when we get partnered incredible peeps, I’m doing a 12 hours stream :)

The links below are for the streaming sites I have used.   I don't really use Twitch or YouNow as much anymore, but you can still follow on those. 

You should definitely download the Krue app or watch from your computer at   I am on Krue almost every day except Sunday and only play instruments on there since it is only for musicians.  There are also many other talented artists that you can watch as well.  #Jointhekrue

Well i hope you enjoy that little talk and the vlog , I’ ll see you soon incredible peeps and like always stay incredible my friends  :)


Friday, October 7, 2016

VLOG 20161007

Hello , INCREDIBLES !!!!!!!! 

I hope everyone is having a great day. As you know im making vlogs of my day. So you guys “the incredible peeps” can see what I do and to keep up with each other :)

Here is the vlog 

 Thanks for an awesome stream on Krue guys , you all alway brighten my day, I know I’m the one who's playing the drums. but you guys “the Incredible Peeps” make the stream so much better. I made a lot of incredible friends :)  so thanks 

oh and here is the link to krue if you want to watch it. 

oh by the way , I want to say sorry for not upload this blog sooner, like on the day it was. I couldn’t the internet at the house is slow, so i upload it when i was at my work. so that how I have to do that for now on :( sorry but I do have more blogs to write in tomorrow :) 

The vlogs are on my youtube now, I just have to write in my blogs on it :)

INCREDIBLE PEEPS tomorrow Oct. 14 2016 Krue , drum stream at 2pm EST , be there or be square !!!!! lol 

                              Love you all Incredible peeps , and like alway stay incredible  


*sorry I wrote this blog on 10.14.2016, and the vlog is about 10.07.2016 - just so you know*


Hi Incredible............. PEEPS.................

How was everyone day? I just got this blog uploaded to youtube :) yea !!! Just to tell you its short , sorry I try to add as much stuff I could lol  But you know so days it not to inserting to vlog  lol but here is the video ope you like :)

And by the way, while I was uploading this video. I found this cool drum video someone made, and i want to try it one day :) Here it is

this video is so cool , lol :)

well i got to go now and finish todays video :)

                             bye guys and stay incredible !!!


Monday, October 3, 2016

starting back vlogging :)

Hey incredibles PEEPS

        I hope everyone is having an incredible day, I am started back in making vlogs and I don’t know it I will be making vlogs  everyday but, I do stream drums so if you want to check out the new streaming site I stream from, its called Krue and I been on it for about 2 months.

Here is the link

and here is the vlog video hope you enjoy, #incrediblelove

          So I would love to hear your thoughts about the vlog, should it be shorter and what you want to see ? You can comment below if you want ...................... :)

oh and you can check out my last drum stream here

TELL ME, what should you want to hear in the next stream !!

OH  by the way I will stream guitar this morning like I did yesterday morning with the ukulele :)

well have a great night and like always !!!! stay incredibly frostie my friends :)

                                         goodnight guys and #stayincredible

          - MRIncredible197