Saturday, February 28, 2015

YouTuber Lady Drummer ft. Lindsey Ward

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I want to talk about an YouTuber Drummer. This YouTuber Drummer have an amazing style on the drums. Do you guys remember about an month age I was going to talk about 5 of my favorite Lady drummers? well this YouTuber is one of my Favorite lady drummers. sorry if this took so long to put this one up. But I wanted to space out this list go my Favorite 5 Lady Drummers. Just to let them know and to ask them If its Okay to write about them on my blog (-iDrum)

So, lets get back to the My 5 Favorite Lady Drummers, now it not in any special order. but this will be the second Lady drummer I talk about on my Blog, I'll leave an link to the First one.

Remember, this is not in any special order, its just in the order how got back to me as fast as they did, so I can talk about them on my Blog?

So, here we go!!!! This Lady name is Lindsey Raye Ward and she has been playing drums for 13 years. Drumming is her passion and it's her dream to inspire other people to play the drums. Lindsey has really made an name for herself. She is endorse by Truth Custom Drums, Vater drumsticks.
Her YouTube channel has 25,444 subscribers and 2,427,559 views. Thats big!!!! Lindsey drum covers are so................ AMAZING, I like them so much that I watch the video like 5 times in a roll :)
If you never heard of her, Please click on the link below now. It will take you to her YouTube Channel.

If you click on the link to go to Lindsey's YouTube. Message or comment on her YouTube and Say James sent you? That would make her day :)

Lindsey has an awesome style how she plays. and she plays a lot of different type on songs so you will be entertain on any song Lindsey cover. If you check out her channel then you know what I'M talking about :)

So, I want to leave you guys with one of my favorite drum cover that Lindsey did. Here is the video

If you want to know more about Lindsey? you can go ask her. and go follow, subscribe on her Social Media 



And Lindsey if you are reading this THANK YOU so much for letting me write about you in my Blog, You are so Awesome :)

Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet
                                     Stay Warm, Its Cold outside

                                                               -iDrum (James)

Friday, February 27, 2015

How I practice For the Youth Group Band

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My brother who is in collage, is off for break. So we went to get Pizza. One of my favorite Food If you didn't know lol hahahaha. When we got home we ate pizza and then started to watch Robo Cop the new one. Joseph (the brother in collage) Watch it before and say it is good. so we started to watch it,
But at 6:45 I had to leave to go to practice (Like what I said it the last blog I practice for the youth band every other Friday) so that what I did :)

I have so of our Practice, If you want to see it. It won't be on YouTube. I'll just put it on here!
So you guys are going to be the only people to know how we practice :)
Your so Lucky !!!!!!!!

Just so you know this is an new song just started to learn today, so it mite be rough and I film the practice with my GoPro. I notice that with the GoPro with the close housing makes the nose of the band is softer with the whole housing on the camera. If you don't have an GoPro camera you mite not know what I'm talking about thats ok :) You are still awesome in my book :)

So If you watch the video. That is how we Practice and learn songs. I did not know the song. but when Chris told me how the rhythm in an 6 8 beat I know it was going to be an fun song to play:) We are going to play is this Wednesday. Yeah

If you guys like this type of blog, let me know? comment at the below in the blog. I think I like doing this type of Blog. Just let me know ? You guys are in control 

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                     Stay Warm, Its cold out there
                                                                      -iDrum (James)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Record some of my practice tomorrow?

Hello, People of the Internet

 Right now, I don't fill good :(
But, today I uploaded an drum cover! !!!!! If you didn't see it you should I like it!!!!  Its with an YouTuber, An new YouTuber that I ask if I could put drums on her cover with her. She say "do it" so I did lol in an different blog I will talk more about her. To check out the video, click the link below

 I like this song. I don't know why its just sounds great. If you click on the link you will know the song is "the heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez "

 The song is about how you fall in love and not know why you did.and you like the people and they maybe don't like you back but you still like them. I guest? ?????? I hope I got that right lol

  Well, tomorrow I will be having practice to go over songs on the drums for the youth group band. I'll try to take some pictures and maybe record some of the practice? ??????
If you guys want me to? Comment on the blog if you want me to record some of my practice tomorrow. Thanks you guys

 Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                  Stay Warm,
                                                -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Exchange an Xbox 360 game

Hello, People of the Internet

What can I say today................. Hum..................

Well, I took my little brother Adam to the mall to return something he got. Then we went to get Papa John's Pizza. and after that I exchange an Xbox 360 Video games for and Batman Game on the Xbox 360.

When I got home, we ate pizza and watch Star Trek Voyager. One of my favorite TV show :)

Then like alway what I do is check my social media site. lol
I love hearing from you guys it makes my day :)

I hope I can get up One of the drum covers I film yesterday uploaded to YouTube. so you can watch it.

If you like seeing Photos you should check out my Instagram

and If you want to listen to my drum covers track any where you go!? Here is my soundcloud

I'll leave some track right here if you want to listen to it right now, if you know the song?

Blank Space - Taylor Swift   Alyssa Bernal Cover James Francis

Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran - Cover(Nutda Lachanthuk & James Francis)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                      -iDrum (James)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Today, I wake up ............

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I wake up ............

Hahahahahaha lol Just Joking, I'm not going to just put that :)
I when to work at 11:00am , Edit until 7:00pm. I edit 3 videos and then after when on the drum set and record an few drum covers for 2 hour just jamming on the drum. So much fun, Time when by so fast WOW!!!!!!

The 2 drum cover I record today, One was with an YouTuber, and the other is just one of my Favorite songs (Its an Christian rap song) I did an 2 drummers playing on that song. But the 2 drummer are just me lol funny right, but it sounds so good. As I am write this Blog I'm listen to the song I recorded  drums to hahahahaha

Yesterday, I played Drum at the church. It was so much fun. thats I have my Little buddy help me :)
Here is an photo of that day

That is my best friends kid :) my best friend is about 30 something and Im about to be 24 so funny right hahahaha 
WAIT .......... now that I think about it all my best friend are in there 30s except an few hahaha
Oh well Its not the age, its how you get along lol 
Thats your lessen of the day, People of the Internet!! :) 

If you like what I had to say in todays Blog Please let me know. If you want more Blogs like this?
Comment, like, and share

Remember Sharing Is Caring

Until Next People of the Internet, Stay Warm it s winter 

                                              -iDrum (James)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

hello, People of the Internet

I have an Cover up of "Thinking out Loud - Ed Sheeran" This cover I did it was Nutda Lachanthuk (One of my YouTubers Friends) If you didn't see it you need to!! Here are some Photos of the cover.

 Here is the Cover of the song "Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran Cover Nutda Lachanthuk & James Francis" I like YouTube you can take someone from New York and Georgia, and put them together to come out with an cover like this just by use the Internet. Its so amazing :)

Well, here is the cover

I hope you Enjoy and Go Subscribe to Nutda Channel
Tell her I sent you!!!!!!! :)

Well Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                   Stay Warm, Its Cold

                                          -iDrum (James)

Friday, February 20, 2015

YouTuber : Alyssa

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I want to talk about an YouTuber name Alyssa Bernal. I you haven't heard of her Please stop reading the Blog right now and take an second and go Check out her Channel, then come back to the Blog or Click on the Link Below to go to Alyssa Channel.

If you Check out Alyssa Channel, you can see why I like her so much! Her covers are amazing and her Voice is so Beautiful. I think when she Uploads and cover. I alway watch it 2 times in a round. Then how much I love your covers.

So, about 2 months age I ask her If I could put some drums on one of her covers she did she said

So, this is the cover I put drum to. I hope you Like it and go say Hi to Alyssa at her YouTube Channel and say James Francis sent you. That would make she day :)

I'll leave you with the cover I did 

Enjoy the cover my Friends!!!! and Alyssa If you read this I just want to say THANKS again you are amazing :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet,

Stay Warm out there Its Cold tonight :)

                                    -iDrum (James)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stay Warm, its cold outside

hello, People of the Internet

Today, I recorded and few drum covers, It will be out the next week. So look out for that. Oh and by the way its with some YouTubers :)

I when to work at 7:00pm and got back at home at 12:00am.  Its was sooooooo cold tonight. I felt like I waist an cartoon, when someone jumps in an ice cold lake or ocean and they became and ice cube. hahahahaha thats how cold it was!!

Well to let you guys have some drum related stuff I did put up and Drum cover today, Its an Christian song call "Bring the rain - Mercy me"

This is when I played at my church in the main service on  Wednesday a few weeks ago. I brought my GoPro with me to record, and they record the track for me :) You guys know I play drums at the Youth Group at the church every Wednesday. so this was an treat for me to be able to play for the main church. I just want to so thanks God does open up doors

 I hope you like it and if you do, please be free to comment. I love hearing from you guys :)

This Sunday I will be play the drum again, and it will be so great :) If you're in the Athens GA, Please stop by and say hi.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

Stay Warm, its cold outside

                                         -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Power out again?

hi, People of the Internet

Tomorrow I will be recording some drum covers, with some Amazing YouTuber :) so happy. Can't wait for you to hear them and see the videos.

Sorry I didn't write earlier, the power went out again. this time for 12 hours hahahahahaha lol

Well I'm going to watch Green Lantern the movie
so , until next time People of the Internet

Have an nice day

                       -iDrum (James)

Monday, February 16, 2015

God has an Plan

Hello, People of the Internet

Today. I didn't do anything fun, well maybe I did if you like driving around hahahaha. I took my little brother Adam to the mall to exchange an item that broke. when we went to Checkers to get some food YUM :) to bring home for the family.

when we got home the power was out for about a hour, when I the power turn back on the internet didn't work. And I was going to do my Taxes today. So if you know I work at my church in the Media department and have my own office and green room/studio. So I went there to do my Taxes because my internet didn't work at home at 6:00pm. I live like 5 mins away from the church. Today was the last day to do your taxes for free by turbotax. and when I got done with my taxes the power when out at the church, So it was in Gods Plan that I got my taxes done for free! thanks you God!!! God work in amazing ways :)

Driving back from church the streetlights were out, they said over 6,000 people had no power going to their houses,

So all I want to say is God makes an way for you in difficult time :)

Hope you guys Had and amazing day, People of the Internet

Until Next Time, God Bless

                            -iDrum (James)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blog every day, except Wednesday and Sunday

Hi, People of the Internet

Sorry that I haven't post in the past 2 days. I was sick! :( I don't like being sick. I'm so sorry again.

When I started this blog I just wanted to talk about drums and my life when ever I can, but there are so many of you guy viewing that I want to blog every day. I think I will be doing that :)

I'm going to Blog every day, except Wednesday and Sunday, not if I have something on that day.
Sense I was sick the past 2 days  I will blog today :) Its 12:30am here right now hahahahaha

To leave you with something here is an pic of my one mile run.

and here is my newest Drum cover track on Soundcloud

and here is the video of the drum cover

The cover is "Thinking out loud" Ed Sheeran
I cover it with my YouTube friend Nutda Lachanthuk

so I hope you have an awesome day, People of the Internet

Until Next time

                                           -iDrum (James)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Be awesome

Hello People of the Internet

Today I help my sister move her friend out of the house, I took us about 2 hours. Loading the truck up and going to the house and unloading. The truck was about 20 foot bed, a lot to move, But we have my brother in-law, my little brother Adam and my sister friends that we were moving for. Moving the stuff.

after we moved the stuff, we when out to eat at a place I never ate before. Bojangles was the place it was so good. YUM

If you never been to this place . You need to type it :)

So today, on my Facebook like page I got an message from an awesome people today. I'm going to give him an shout out. His name is Jee, thanks for the message!!! It made my day and I will cover that song for you!

If you guy want me to cover an song. You can message me on one of these:

Inclosing I hope you all had an nice day and God Bless

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                        -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Run the Mile of Life

Hello, People of the Internet

Today blog is an Vlog I did on Saturday, I edit it to day. This Vlog is mostly me Running and filming the Run at Tybee island in Savannah GA. I ran the One mile.

I'm not really an runner, but I said to myself if I run the mile less then 10 min, next year I will do the 5k run for my staff retreat.
I did it :)

        YMCA 1 MILE
                             February 7, 2015
            Results Question? email to:

Place No.   First Name          Age Sex City,state         Miletim Chiptm     Pace 

 130  2982 James Francis        23 M   Athens GA            10:55   10:40.26 10:41 

I got 130 out of 308 runners, Im so happy,I haven't ran in like 3 or 4 year, but I wanted to do some type of run, so I pick the mile.

If you don't believe me here is the link to the numbers, Im 130

Well here is the video, Saturday Vlog

I hope you guys have an AWESOME DAY 

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                             -iDrum (James)

Monday, February 9, 2015

My Life

Hello, People of the internet

Today, I want to share my life with you. Yesterday I was sick. I really wanted to post this Yesterday.
sorry about that :)

I made an Vlog (Video log) for you guys, the two day I was away. I edit the video today. I'm so glad I can share my life with you. Maybe not all my life, because its not all exciting. But I will share the times it is lol hahahahahaha

So here is my Friday Vlog, Hope you enjoy

If you like those kind of videos. Please let my know on

So, inclosing I will put up the next Vlog of the trip tomorrow. thanks for the support, It mean a lot :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                       -iDrum (James)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hi, People of the Internet

So, On Wednesday I played the drum for the Main Church Service, It was Great. I love it !!!!!!
The Photo below was my view at the Service :)


I filmed some video of me playing, so look out for those in the next few days on my YouTube
I film my videos with an GoPro, just so I can put it anywhere lol haha

So, I'm going to be out of town the next day and a half. So I won't be able to Blog tomorrow, :( but I will be doing an Vlog (video log) and post it on here Saturday or Sunday :)

Thats all I have for today, and I will be posting photo of tomorrow on Instagram

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                       Keep Drumming and Live your Dreams

                                    -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Be an YouTuber - ft. DxDutch

Hi, People of the Internet

Today, I want to talk about an YouTube I found about 1 & an half years ago. Her name is Djamila aka DxDutch. She is an YouTube artist , sings covers . She has over 100,000 subscriber.
She a mix of half dutch, half asian (chinese & indonesian), and moved from the Netherlands to the United States.

She covers anything you want to hear. Just send her an comment on her YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, of Facebook.

She made an cover of "West Coast - Lana Del Rey" Its so AMAZING, you need to check it out. I like it so........ Much that I Tweet her, and ask if I could put drums on her cover of "West Coast - Lana Del Rey" She said Yes, 
So I put drum to it!!! :)    (The video is down below)

 Here are some photo of the cover 
I'm so proud of it, its an great cover, so go listen to it you will like it !!!!!!

So, in closing, Go Subscribe to Djamila aka DxDutch, She will give you some amazing covers :)
So to leave you with an Good note Here is one of my Favorite cover by her 

Wasting All These Tears - Cassadee Pope 


Until next time, Bye People of the Internet !!!!!! Have an GREAT Night 

                                      -iDrum (James)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Are you in Motion?

Good afternoon,

People of the internet

So, Today I try to find an software to do an Stop Motion video. I got great NEWS I did. Its call "istopmotion" This is what I use in the video. (Down below)


 Its just an test of the software, you can try it out for free for 5 day. If you want to know more about it? I think it an program I mite get lol hahahaha

So, this is just an test of what I did with the program,

I'm going to try to put up an video of StopMotion everyday that I have it, Only 5 day

So look out for those :)

That my Life thing for today, Try it

              Until next time,  People of the Internet

               Be You

                          -iDrum  "James"

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Youth Band

Hello. People of the Internet!!!!!!!

So, On every Wednesday I go to church at 6:00pm to go over song for the Youth Band at Church. We don't start until 7:10, but it give us (The band) time to work on the song list. I play the drums hahahaha
You guys know that tough lol
last Wednesday I put up my GoPro camera to get the songs on the internet for you guy, I hope you like it. Sorry if its an bad quality the audio is right from my GoPro camera.

Our Youth group played an song "Ian McIntosh, Such Beauty "

 I'm going to try to put up one of these videos every week,
HERE IS THE LINKS, to check out my other stuff THANKS

           THANKS SO MUCH,
