Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Stress is real.................................

Hello, People of the Internet

The night before Sunday,

 I played the drums. But before Sunday, something went wrong. You guys know I just started to run the Production Team. well we got some new volunteers on the team and they are teenagers. So I try to contact one of them to remind them to be there Sunday and I try everything. and No answer . So I try to contact the other production team that run the PC. But they couldn't do it. One was out of town the other had something to do. I stay up so late trying to contact any one I can. I even call a friend (one of my best friends) at church, to ask if he knew anyone and he only know the people who are on the production team. Oh by the way the guy who normally runs the PC like a lot stop run the PC to be with his wife going around the world. So it like starting from the start to have people running the PC. Its was 1: 45 am on Sunday we I stop trying to look for someone to run the PC because I knew the teenager wasn't going to show. And my friend text me, "don't worry put it in Gods hands" so I did. and that when my older brother said he could run the PC on Sunday. So to let some of the stress out me and my brother played a few video games to get our mines off of stuff.


I got up and went to church, I took my brother with me and he was so sleepy he only got one hour of sleep. when we got to church, I did a quit show through to show my brother how to run the PC and I was guessing because it was my first time running the PC for church but I figure it out, Im a fast learner. so I show him the stuff and then when under to practice the drums and we went over 4 songs for Sunday. and keep in mind this all happen in 30 mins time. For us to practice we need the words on the screen that when my brother can in the play and thats what I showed him. and there was more to run in the PC then that. So I had to still put the sermon note and verses in the PC so while I was practicing the songs. our youth pastor came in and he is amazing I ask him if he could go to the PC and help me put the sermon note and verses in the PC. So I just want to say thanks so much to our youth pastor for helping me though that time.

During Service, 

I mess up at the start of the song, I don't have the time right on the first song because I didn't have the tempo. After the songs I run up to the PC so I can take in over from my brother, because that was the hard part. so keep this in mind I didn't know what I was doing but I figure it out. The stress was so hitting me hard the night before and the morning of. And my friend that I text last night knew I was stressful so he call the other drummer to fill in for me so I can run the PC for the 2nd service. So it work out I learn so much on the stop about Easy Worship the program we use for the service at church. oh and we have 2 services 9:00 service for the early bird lol and the 11:00 service on Sunday mornings. And after the first service I let my brother go home to rest because he only got 1 hour a sleep. Im so glad I have a brother like that :) thanks you so much older brother :)

So just to say I had a stressful weekend lol but I got though it :) thanks to God !!


Was  Memorial Day, my family had and cook out to honor my family who serve our country. My dad was in the army and my older brother was in the air force, and so many more of my family was in the military, We only had our madea family at the cook out. All my other family lives out of our state :)

Tuesday, Today

Was just an other day, I edit 3 video and had a meeting with our lead pastor. Then we had a storm I when home and watch some tv show and eat that about all and fell asleep at 8 : 30pm then woke up at 11:30pm to write this it my blog :)

I will have some now drum covers out some time, just need so request for songs? if you have one you can leave a comment on this page. Oh and yesterday I stream too hahahaha

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Funny YooHoo story.....................

Hello, People of the Internet

 Sorry I didn't blog for the past couple days ,I was so busy playing the drums to get everything ready for the worship night on Friday. I also was put in charge to make the schedules for the production team at church I was also to put in charge of the production team and their schedule for Sundays :)


 We practice for youth band to play on Wednesday what songs we were going to do. I have a photo if you guys want to see it? this is the photo...........


 I went to get my drivers license renewed and after we went to the store me and my sister and we got some donuts, cookies and some yoohoo the drink. We were messing around with the name yoohoo saying  it in the funny voice. When we were about to leave the store I notice a lady in the car by herself. Then I told my sister here I'm going to give her a yoohoo. We got 12 pack of yoo-hoo. So here is a funny story. I went to her car she rolled down the window I said "yoo-hoo............ it's cold .............here you want the drink.................... I just want to brighten your day" and she smiled and said thanks!!!! When we drove away I saw her with the biggest smile and  texting somebody on her phone. So I think I just brighten her day and it was amazing. If I can make one person smile or laugh every day that makes my day!!!!!! :)  so I don't know if you guys like the story but I thought it was pretty cool and that's why I wanted to share it.

 I also streamed for about 4 to 6 hours and I had about 5 people watching me just playing Megaman 2.

I don't normally blog on Wednesdays

but on Wednesday

 We were just at youth group and we played our songs that we practice on Monday. Then we played a little bit of a game of kickball and that was pretty fun. Oh yeah I also film somebody for that announcement video for church,

 today Thursday 

I didn't really do that much I checked out a couple streams and found some pretty cool people that play Megaman. So they will probably check me out when I stream and I clean my room some did some stuff for my bank account to make sure the balance is right.

I have a YouTube Channel if you guys want check it out? I have the latest drum cover on there.................... oh yeah updates on the garden is growing real good here's a picture

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                               -iDrum (James)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

3 days in one Blog

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, I didn't write in my in my blog the past few day.

 I went to help our Pastors with the lights on our stage at church and got them already for church. This Sunday will be great with lighting :)

I cut the grass at the home and watch more movies with my family and then I stream for a long time about 6 hours. It was a great stream I what to said if you haven't seen my stream you should stop by I would like to hear from you guys :) the stream is on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/mrincredible197

and Today,
was just an normal day eat, sleep, watch tv. I went to check to the garden that we made and it looks great.

And here is the Newest drum cover I did with a youtuber, Its one of my favorite song when I was a kid :) I hope you guys like it.

Tell me what you think about the cover, leave me a cover below? that would be awesome :) Have a nice day you guys !!!!

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brother's Birthday :)

Hi, People of the Internet

Today, me and my brother took our other brother out for his birthday gift. His birthday is tomorrow the 13. We went bowling and then got Chinese food. He really like Chinese food. After we got food we went to get pizza for our parents, and when we got there there was a line outside the door. I think it took us 20 mins just to get our pizza and we order it online lol hahahahahaha. I just want to say Happy Birthday to my brother!!! and I hope you have a great birthday. He turning 21 big day yeah. I just want to add don't do anything I wouldn't do myself :) Have an awesome day brother. I took photos of the day. Here they are :)

 Bowling Time

Chinese Food

This day was so much fun. I want to do it again lol. Happy Birthday my brother !!!!!! May life treat you right :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                      -iDrum (James)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's you are Special to your kids

Hello, Mother's of the Internet

yesterday was Mother's day. So I wanted to say Happy Mother's day to all of you !!!!!!!!!!!! :) And I hope you had a great day.

My mom is the greatest, she is one of the people that made he what I am today, An awesome and loving person. To all the mom's out there. I'm not going to say my mom is the best in the world, but she would be there for me for anything. and every mother will do that for their kid. Every mother is one of a kind and their love is unstoppable. i think about you everyday mom, even when I was in ohio and you was still in GA, I love you, you are the best mother in the world. Im so proud to call you my mother, love you so much. Happy Mothers Day !!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I am so bless 

I run the lights for the first time on Sunday, Mothers Day

I don't write in my Blog on Wednesday or Sunday. so that why I'm talking about Mother's day today :) To every mom : You are special and this is your day. Let it be your day

Today, for the people that watch my stream. I will be streaming at 10 or 11pm easter time. If you want to know more I have it in my last Blog, click the link to go to it   http://mrincredible197.blogspot.com/2015/05/stream-for-4-hours.html

To leave you with something about drums, I finial editing that drum cover I was talking about in past Blogs. Here is my YouTube so you can see it    https://www.youtube.com/BurnoutJ

Until Next Time, Mother's of the Internet

(I normally write this at the start and the end of the blog "People of the Internet" with a Hello and Until Next Time, so I made it special today :)

                                                                       -iDrum (James)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Stream for 4 hours

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, I didn't write in my Blog yesterday, I was working late last night. and I did have any think to talk about. The only thing I did that was cool/awesome is streaming. I had my 4th stream yesterday and I stream A little bit over 4 hours. I got 6 viewers and 2 follower. Not bad for a started streamer :) hahahahaha If you want to check it out its on my Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/mrincredible197 . I play Mario and Mega Man on Twitch.

I'm Uploading the new drum cover today, It should be up right now.I will leave the link to the video right HERE https://youtu.be/HIJGvr_yhEA . Its you know this song. Please leave me a comment down below. It would make me happy :)

I hope you like this cover :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                      -iDrum (James)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cartoon Face............................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My sister got me lunch for my late Birthday Gift :) I'm glade she got me that Lunch it was so good and it was a surprise it made my day!!!

I was on twitch to at 2:00 pm. I only stream a hour. but tomorrow I will try to stream at less 2 hour tomorrow night at 8 or 10. I also wanted some cool backgrounds and I started to play Mega Man the games on nintendo. I haven't play the game for years. So its good play it again. The game is different on a keyboard too hahaha. If you are up tomorrow night you can stop by and watch me and talk to me on chat http://www.twitch.tv/mrincredible197 if you want to?

I also wanted to make a cartoon face for myself so I look on the internet for a face. I found one that looks like me, so I grab it, but I add so much more to it so it can look like me. I will put up 3 photo of what I did to make the cartoon face for my Twitch stream.

3 Steps to make a Cartoon Face for a stream look

1) I found this face on the web

2) I put facial hair on it

3) If it still need something add it (in my case I have glasses ) so I add them

I like how it can out, It looks just like me lol haha. If you like the face?  please send me a message or a comment and tell me what you think? :)

I work on a Drum cover, and started edit it. I didn't get to far but I will have it tomorrow. Its with a youtuber and someone you mite know? if you watch my YouTube video. We did a few cover together already :)  I can't wait for you to hear it. To keep up with updates you can Subscribe to my YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/user/BurnoutJ or Twitter  https://twitter.com/MRIncredible197 . Well I hope all you guys had an awesome day

Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                         -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mario game with Mega man hahaha

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I did a new set up for Twitch today. I set up my mic and a way to stream a little better then Normally. I play video games about a hour. Then I went to my garden to water it. Just so it can grow well my family water the garden with me :) It took just about 15 mins to water in.

so that what I did today, I will go to church at 10:00am tomorrow to work and learn some programs. I also mite make a drum cover. Do you have any requests for any songs?

I mite get up early to stream a little before going to work if you have any games you want me to play leave a comment or message on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/mrincredible197 I did so streaming today. Here is some of the stream. If you want to check it out? I at still learning how to set up my stream. but if you have an tips on how to set up my stream better please tell me. I don't know how to put music from the PC to put on the stream. If you know I would like to hear from you :)

Here is some of the stream

If you watch the stream, please tell me what you think about it?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Monday, May 4, 2015

My Birthday, May the 4 be with you

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, is my birthday. Today was a great day. I got a weed wacker with a battery on it, Its just like the electric weed wacker we have. But the new has a battery and we got 2 more, it only goes 20 min but it better then getting the cord out to weed wacker the yard. And this new weed wacker can still use a cord if you need to? :) So I cut the grass, just the front yard because we cut the rest of the yard yesterday, But we really need to weed wack the yard. We did do it for a long time because our other weed wacker break. So I ask for a weed wacker for my birthday :) I like cutting the grass. I use to for a living and I did like it :) so thats what I did.

I also had my favorite dinner Tacos!!!!!! That we made ourself so good, I put chips in mine hahahaha something new I did lol.

Then we watch some TV shows. and then I started writing in my Blog. My brother just ask me if I wanted to play a video game with him? that he got me for my Birthday gift. So I will go soon. Maybe I will go watch so streams on Twitch, or I will stream myself on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/mrincredible197 But I don't know yet. If I do here is the link. So this we was fun  I had my birthday party on Saturday and my brother from collage took me to see the new Avengers movie, its in this Blog post http://mrincredible197.blogspot.com/2015/05/avengers-assemble.html if you want to read it.

I won't have any thing about drums today Sorry guys. I will tomorrow I just got a lot of thing I did today. Oh and I just want to say THANK YOU ALL (from Facebook) FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES, it made the day so much more special :) I love you all. My day was amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some of the screenshots I took

 Thanks so much :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     iDrum (James)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Top Ten

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I had my birthday party early. My birthday is the 4. My family gave me some gift and made me dinner and we played a games we made up. The game is to write down the top ten of any thing we think of, Like Music group/artist. Then we go around in a circle and guess what they put. I don't know if anyone made up this game before but we just made it a game and it was fun.  I have some photos of my day.

My Mom made me a cake and a amazing dinner :)

Here is the games we made up, Top Ten 

I don't have anything about drums today but I when to Home Depot to put up a weed trimer and got some other stuff. So my day was busy. But I will work on a drum cover this week. If you have any request for song? Message me or tweet me On any of my Social Media.


 Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                         -iDrum (James)

Avengers Assemble

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My older brother came home today(not the brother in collage) I have 3 Brothers and a Sister. so I have a big family. We made dinner watch some TV shows. My birthday is May 4 and my brother who is in collage took me to see the new Avengers Movie today. Its was so good. I want to bye it now. If you haven't seen it you should Its in great Movie :)

Here is the ticket I got from the movies :)

So, good new today. I got a reply from another Lady drummer, saying that I can write about her in my blog. So soon I will write about her. I can't wait :) This will be the 3rd Lady drummer I will be talking about 3/5. When I first started this I wanted to talk about 5 Lady drummer for YouTube. And I can't believe I went this fast to get a reply from them :) AWESOME

If you really want to need what Lady drummer I will be talking about soon, You can check my Twitter on the tweet I got https://twitter.com/MRIncredible197 And I post a photo of the Avengers Movie on my Instagram if you want to see it  https://instagram.com/mrincredible197/

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)