Friday, June 26, 2015

Wreck It

Hello, People of the Internet

On June 26, I did ready to anything Just took Bear out and play ball like what I did the whole week. I got some video of him playing with my Gorp.

Here is the Video

On 27 of June, We went home, we were going to leave a 12 but in was raining and storming so we left at 9:30am and it normally take us 4 hours to get home but it took me 3 and 45 mins to get out of ohio. thats good........... Thats so much better then our trip up here. It took us 2 and a half hours to drive a 45mins at the begin of out trip to ohio, wow lol

On the 28, we just sleep because we got home late, and when we got up. we watch a movie. The movie was Wreck it Ralph, first time watching it........ so good. If you haven’t watch it you should it awesome :)

I hope you guys check this movie out, if you play older video games this is a must watch :)

Until Next, People of the Internet 

                                             -iDrum (James)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Zoo trip June 25

Hello, People of the Internet

On June 25, Me and my family went to the zoo.

So this Blog will be a little different, I’m going to share some photo and videos and tell you about them. Hope you enjoy :)

Here are some photos of the Zoo

 So the first animal we saw is the pink flamingo. so awesome hahahaha :) Then we found the elephant and when we got to the elephants I said “ Look, Mr. frodo. its an elephant !!! “ lol hahahaha so funny.

We saw Meerkats so cool, they are so small I want one lol. And we saw some Lions and that was so awesome. They was play around lol I think I have a video of them (Its down below)

Then we went to eat and get on the bus to go see the other side of the zoo in Cleveland  I have a photo the landscaping that saids Cleveland Zoo June 25. pretty cool

Here is the photo of the Landscaping I was talking about :)

Here are some on the video of the zoo trip. (My brother film it :)

 This is when we walk in to see the monkeys. And it was so cool to see them just react to the people hahaha.

I hope you like these videos of the animal we film.

 Water Life

 Next we saw the Water life, In the ocean and all these cool fish

Bears, Tigers, and Wolves 

 Now,  the bears are awesome because it remind me of Bear my dog at Uncle and auntie’s house lol hahahaha so funny but true :)

The photo of the bear on the left is really cool. He’s just chilling and having fun

The Tiger is one on my favorite animals, because they like so amazing. When I was a kid I really wanted one for a pet that would be so awesome to have one :)

The video of the bear:

He is walking and there is poop there, so many time we thought he was going to step in it lol hahaha...................... Bears .................

 Now, We saw wolves but we couldn’t get any good photos of them. So, there was some model of the wolves there so I told my brother to take a photo of me with them :)

And there was one with a Monkey too.

P.S. do you like my T-shirt ?

That is what I did on June 25 .

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Oh yeah, and this photo of a camel  is so cool, because when I was this camel it made me think of Goofy from Disney of a camel he would ride in the show hahahahaha lol so funny right? Oh Yeah  and  here is a video of rhinos I almost for got about them hahaha they was amazing too. 
Well I hope you enjoy this Blog. I know its so much different then the other Blogs. But if you like this type of Blog ? please let me know by leaving a comment below and I will do this again. 

THANKS for your time. and have a great day you guys :)

                                            -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Vacation Dave and Busters with a movie

Hello, People of the Internet

I don’t normally write in my blog on Wednesdays but I am on Vacation and we did some fun stuff. First out we had some great food in the morning. Then my uncle and cousin came over to my aunties house were we was staying, and hang out with us. We were talking about going to cedar point. but it was to much. So we when to Dave and Busters. I never been there !!! when we got our card to play went in and saw that half of the games were not working. There was so many of the games I wanted to play too. But its alright because I got to spend it with my family so it was funny any ways :)

I have some videos of Dave and Busters

Here are some Videos

WAIT........... theirs more

At the end of the day, my uncle drove we to the movies. And guess what movie we watch......... ? Ok....... I’ll tell you we watch the new Jurassic Park movie. Jurassic World, It was so good. I don’t want to say anything about it because I want it to be a surprise for you !!!! :) I’ll just leave it at you just need to see it :)

That is what I did on June 24 .

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

the tumble June 23

Hi, People of the Internet

On June 23, It was just a little lazy. I played ball with Bear (one of my uncles dogs) I played ball with Bear ever day on vacation, but this is the first time talking about it. Because I had a lot of other stuff to talk about in my blogs lol.

Here is a photo

If you can't tell, this blog is going to be about Bear and my brother lol. So funny stories, my brother was sitting on the bed and Bear jump on the bed an was in his lap (because Bear think his a lap dog, his 90 pounds ) and he roll over and then him and my brother just fall off the bed I was in the room, lol hahahaha so funny I could stop laughing :) My brother got hit with stuff all day today so funny. My uncle got this toy for Bear to shoot the ball to him its a ball gun and my brother got shot with it.

Here is a photo

Later My cousin came over to see us and we spend time with family.

That is what I did on June 23 .

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Tag-along June 22

Hello, People of the Internet

On Monday, June 22. I went to work with uncle just to be with him because he was going out of town on Tuesday. So what we did was just getting a few things real for his trip. We also pick up a skitter machine from the shop that it wasting fix. that was fun. I have a photo and a video (: Just for you people :)

Here is the Photo

Here is the Video

After that we went to get lunch, and when the lady took us about the special when she said meatloaf me and my uncle said we' ll take that and that was a dinner special at lunch lol so funny :) It was soooooooo good !!!  YUM

Then did some just other things and then got ice cream from this nice place, today was just a great day :) thanks uncle for the wonderful time

That is what I did on June 22 .

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21 Father's day

Hi, People of the Internet

On Fathers day June 21, we have an awesome get together with two of my uncle and my dad and had a cook out, but it started to rain so we eat inside. One of my uncle birthday was that day. so we have an great time with my family :) Im so happy about how much fun we had. We also had a party for our graduation for my brother and cousin :)

That is what I did on June 21 .

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19 - 20

hello, People of the Internet

On June 19, We got to Ohio and I was up for 21 hours. So after a while I took a 6 hour nap lol so sleepy. We had some amazing food at my Uncle's place. He smoke a ham and the breakfast food was awesome too :) love it. Me and my brother played some video games with my cousin's daughter that was fun. she is going i 3rd grade this year.

In the afternoon, we went to our other uncle on my mom's side and we had an awesome meal and saw all my mom's family there :) what a great time.

Then we went to my dad's sister house my aunt's house. Where I stay for 3 years when I did landscaping. so nice to see her and uncle and the dogs :)

That is what I did on June 19 - 20.

I'm stall on vacation today is June 26 when I'm writing this I did a lot thought out the week and did has time to write. so I have a little time right now I can :) Hope you enjoy

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                           -iDrum (James)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18 iMovie

So, People of the Internet

Like the week of June 12 and 13, I work hard to get ahead of my work, because I am going no Vacation to Ohio to see family and friends today we leave. If you know I work in landscaping for 3 years in Ohio and I am from Georgia. so that what I did today. that why I didn't blog and why I wanted to catch up on my Blogs, :) so i did filming and editing today. and just to finish a few things be for I start my way before go to Ohio for a fun fill Vacation :)

I use iMovie to edit if you want to know?

I write this on June 21 for the 18 :)

I hope you like it

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                             -iDrum (James)

p.s.  Sorry I didn't posts or blog about anything about drums :( It will be soon

Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15 and 16

Hi, People of the internet

June 15

I work on some videos like aways and had practice for the youth band. And you know how I ask about play the acoustic guitar for the youth Band, well we just practice our normal instruments. After practice I when to pick up my brother from work and got chick-fil-a, that was fun :)

June 16

I went in to work at 10:30am and found that I got my new phone. so I when and started to make and see how the phone work, so I know how to use it. I really like this smart phone. I use to have a flip phone so its so different now lol hahahahaha

I write this on June 21 for the 15 :)

I hope you like it

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                               -iDrum (James)

Friday, June 12, 2015

June 12

So, People of the Internet

On June 12 and 13, I work hard to get ahead of my work, because I am going no Vacation to Ohio to see family and friends. If you know I work in landscaping for 3 years in Ohio and I am from Georgia. so that what I did today. that why I didn't blog and why I wanted to catch up on my Blogs, :) so i did filming and editing today.

I also try to record to my stream from my camera playing cod (call of duty) to my pc and I think it work and the video picture is good too,  here is the link if you want to check it out

I write this on June 22 for the 12 :)

I hop you like it

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Guitar In front of people............. First time

Hello People of the Internet

I have some footage of Wednesday the 10 of June, Im writing this right now and sorry it was so long the whole few weeks has been crazy. But if you don't know I started laying the guitar and I played for the first time in front of any one on June 10. It was so amazing. I like it so much that I keep asking to play a acoustic guitar. the past week hahaha. Its the 21 of June and Im on vacation right now. So I'm trying to catch up on my blogs :)

So here is the Footage Of the night I played the acoustic guitar on Wednesday

I hope you enjoy this and my new journey down this road :)

If you want to take me what you think? You can leave a comment on this page down below, Thanks so much :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                              -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Golf it up............................

Hi, People of the Internet

Today, the 9th of June. I want to take my little brother to the Driving range (golf) to Hit some golf balls its been a while for me and my brother sents we hit some golf balls. so we did some different challenges we made up to see how we do. and you guys can pick who did the best? -side note- ( you better pick me) hahahaha just joking :)

Here is the video

I hope you like the video? If you didn't see it I use my GoPro camera to get some awesome camera shots and if you want to see more videos ? here is my youtube and if you want to tell me what you thinks about the video? here is my twitter to tweet my a comment or leave a comment below this page :)

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                          -iDrum (James)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Practice Drums or Guitars?

Hello, People of the Internet

So, the 8th of June today Monday, I film and edit videos like I alway do. Its funny because this is what I alway do and will do, Edit and Film. Is was a hobby Now its an a career and what I always wanted to do :) and I want to just thanks God to put this in play because he is the one in control. So I just want to said God will open and close doors and some time have a timer on the door for those time when he thinks when the time is right.

I know Im poring out my heart and feeling out right now But you got to just keep reminding yourself about the miracles in your life because they mean a lot to you :)

So, today.... we had band practice for the youth band in was different, but a good different. If you don't know I play the drum well I do for the Youth band at Church and if you don't know I started playing the acoustic guitar. So at practice the youth band leader said we are doing an acoustic set on Wednesday and before all this happen. A few weeks ago I told/show him I have a guitar and ask him if he can resting my guitar.  So back to today at practice we played a few song and he was happy I knew how to play guitar and pretty good at it :)

So this Blog is about Guitars hahahaha. Because I didn't play the drums at practice so this is a shout out to the guitar players out there :)

I wanted to get a photo but I didn't :( but I will have some footage of Wednesdays of us playing :)

I hope you guys like this Blog

Here is my social media

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                    -iDrum (James)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Big Garden.............. Yes

Hi, People of the Internet

Today the 5th of June, I when to done some gardening and the garden looks great. Its so big and Its Just so Amazing How God plan everything like how a  plant grows. Like one day it could just be inch tall and 2 day from then its a foot :) Im so happy that thats works. God is so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some photos I took today

This Garden is only like 3 weeks old or a month.

I know the leaves are bigger then my hand. WOW thats is so cool and awesome, When I took this photo I wanted to take off the leave off and make a hat out of it, hahahahahaha but I didn't :)

I know I didn't talk about drum today again, but my lift is so amazing and so busy doing so much work :) but I will have more drum stuff soon :)

       Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday the 2 of June, the whole week in 5 parts. Part 1

Hello. People of the Internet

So, I did have enough time to Blog the past week and a half. but there was so much I did so, I put the past week in different blog. But I'm write the blog for the whole week today on Thursday June 11, in like 5 Blogs , So I will start on Tuesday the 2 of June.

I started the day by cutting the grass. Then I wanted to fix the mailbox. So guess what I did................................ hahahahaha  I took an old box fan and took off everything so I just have the frame.

Then I move the mailbox, and dig a place for the boxfan to fit in the ground and then cover the inside with sand like dirt and filled in about 2/3rds up.

When I finish that, I went to find so rocks around the yard, we have a creek in our yard so I found so small stones and thats what I did. When I got back I took a black big trash bag and put the rocks and stones on it.

After that project I felt great and It look amazing :) I was great doing something like landscaping its peaceful :) and when my family saw it they said they love it and how I did it :)  I hope you like this too. I know I didn't talk about drums today but this is a cool little thing I did on June 2 2015 and Im so proud about it.

well, Until Next Time People of the Internet

                         Think Creative    -iDrum (James)

Monday, June 1, 2015

My busy Week............ WOW

Hello, People of the Internet

so this week was crazy!!!!!!

 it all started on Thursday

 so Thursday

 My brother from college has its own last class we went to Atlanta to pick him up .so he could spend time with ubecause my older brother was graduating from high school .so on that day we just got ready to make cupcakes in cake and Gary and ready for the party Sunday .


 Friday was the graduation . here is a picture of it

I like this photo because its funny


 We took my brother out to have a fun filled day ,first we went to a video game store .and then we got kicked out because of the guy was being so rude to my other brothers girlfriend . and we told him that you don't have to be rude to her like that and he told us the gala store . in my two brothers are about to get in a fight with him so I backed them out and stop stop before anything else went down . so that was crazy but that guy didn't have to be rude .so we went to other video game stores to find games for my brothers graduation gift . and we found this new store in the mall that's so amazing . we told him what happened at the other video game store .and when we checked out they gave us 10 percent off just because of what happened ,now that's customer service is not like the other store .then after that we went to CC's pizza and ate there . so that was our fun filled day for Saturday .


 I went to church and Randa production team like I did the past couple Sundays .and after church for the 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock service I came home and we had our graduation party for my brother .we had a cookout we played baseball with my little niece and nephew and watching TV shows afterwards . so that was our Sunday


 I got held up did soe cleaning . I went to the garden my sister came to the house and we did some gardening gardening then we went to the store to pick up some and some stuff to put out on the garden to keep bugs out . I also took a machete and cleaned out some of the branches and trees so we can run the lawn mower through some certain areas . then we watch some TV shows with my brother after that week I drove him to college so he can be there for schools Tuesday . now I just got back from driving my brother to college and I'm going to be playing some games that we just got from my brother that just graduated so that was my whole week

sorry I didn't blog the past few days it was so busy

 well until next time people on the internet stay safe

                                                       -iDrum (James)