Saturday, April 18, 2015

Wow I dream about that !!!!

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I film the video I have to have for Sunday at church tomorrow. I was sick almost the whole week. I needed somebody to film and my Mom say she would. Her first time on the Announcements for the church and she did an awesome job. Thank you Mom for being in the announcements!!!!!

So, funny dream I had last night. Well I don't normally talk about dreams I have, but this one was so funny. And this is the first dream I have had in a while.

The Dream

I was walking in to a house (not my house) and when I walk in I saw............ skateboard ramp in the middle on the living room. When I saw that I now that this house was so awesome hahahahaha. But at that moment I also know this was a dream. I'm glade I stay asleep because you wouldn't guess what happen in the dream. After I walk inside the house on the left side there was kitchen table so I sat down and there was a wall blocking the other side to a different room. I notice the wall so I look at the other side and you would guess who I saw. Selena Gomez, I had a little crush on she maybe still do. But in the dream say said Hi, and started talking like we knew each other. I don't remember what we talk about but I remember she have a dog but not any dog an Australian Shepard name Rover. Which is funny because when I live in Ohio I had a dog and he is an Australian Shepard name Bear. He live with my Uncle in Ohio. I know I say I had a dog like he was my, but my uncle got him but I was there when we got him so I count Bear as my dog too :) I know I'm driffing away from the dream right, But I just thought I was funny to dream about something like that hahahahaha.

Here is a Photo of Bear

And there was another dog we got name Murphy he is a mix

I guess I just wanted to share that dream with you, Oh wow I just remember more of the dream I was filming a music video for Selena Gomez that how it started Wow. See you forget stuff when you awake up from dream and bye writing/typing in out I remember some more about the dream. The music video was with a lot of swing sets and gymnastics flipping around everywhere. But the video was an one shot video. So that means if someone mess up you needed to start from the begin again. That why I like the dream because it was about film work and thats what I do for a job. hahahaha So just put all of this in front of the dream I start talking about first and that was it.

Well, I want to talk about something about drums, but I think I just wrote a lot already. so I'll just say this. You know the drum cover I film before I got sick I will be edited it right now. So you can see it on Mondays Blog :) YEAH!!!!!

And If you think Bear and Murphy are cutie? please send a comment telling me on this page.
Or if you think my dream was crazy or funny to you?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)

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