Thursday, April 30, 2015

Super Drum

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I when in to work at 12. and then when to the bank to deposit my pay check. After that I when back to work to edit some video and other stuff. I call some people that are going to be new on our Production team at church to get them ready and schedule them for Sundays. So my Pastor just made me the Production team leader since I edit and film video and I am the Media guy there. So I think thats awesome, I spend a hour just setting up the schedule. and find out what days the people like to have. So that was most of my day, When I got home at 7. I ate and watch so TV show.

Oh and my brother from collage is home early this weekend :) AWESOME

Yesterday. On a stream I was on I talk about my drum set I started painting. and I show it to the stream. If you didn't see it. I painted Batman on my small tom drum. Here is the photo

Some I have 2 more tom drums and the kick drum. What should I paint them? If you have any superhero you want me to paint on the drums. Just leaven a comment or message me.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Twitch & Stream

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I went to work and film and edit a few videos. At work to today was so much fun talking and making jokes at work. It was one day I will remember. I also got the chance to start running the production team at church. So I will be doing more stuff like Planing and run the media.

We got pizza today, like every Tuesday it seems lol. We also watch TV Shows as a family :)

I played some video games with my brother. Then I started streaming on so different games. I play Expendabros today on my stream, first time playing it. it was fun. maybe you can catch one of my stream sometime and give me some tips. If you want? I would be awesome to hear form you guys. I will post when I am streaming on Twitter and Facebook.



Here are some of my streams I did today.

and another one

If you want to catch me on Twitch? here is the link and if you do I would love to hear from you. There is a chat box on the page if you want to talk on the stream.

To put something about drumming, I will have a Drum cover next week!!!! So keep your eyes open for that :) 

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Drum Sunday

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I woke up and eat some pizza we had yesterday. It was good. I have some of the footage from Sunday when I played the drums. I mite put it in later if I can edit it in time. I also had practice for youth band. I was amazing!!!!! We are going to play in the main service on Wednesday night at our church. We do this every 5th Wednesday in the month. I like when the youth band gets to do this. So here is where the video of Sunday will be if I can get it up in time.

I also try to play some video games online this morning at 9:00 but I had to set up every for a stream on Twitch. Yes I have a Twitch and I going to start stream to see how it goes. Twitch is a online chat that you can watch people online and talk to them on a chat so you just write in their chat box and they can see what you wrote and they can answer back. I do have the sound that good on twitch I only have the mic from my Laptop so it still good just not a pro sound. When I start streaming I will let you know on Facebook.

and my Twitch:

I'll try to stream about 30min to an hour as soon as I post this.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The fruit of our labor .....................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Me and my awesome family had a birthday party for my Mom today. We made dinner for her and my sister and I made the cake. Her bake the coke and I dress it up. I have a photo of it. We also played games board games and card games. I like how I dress up the birthday cake. It looks great

My niece and nephew call my mom, their grandmother "G' Ma" It was an great party.

Me and my sister got plant for my Mom, Just like I talk about in my last Blog when we got the plants. We plant them today. Its a big garden that we made for mom. I can't wait to eat the fruit of our labor lol hahahahahaha. Jokes aside its took a while to make the garden. But I want to say THANKS to my sister and her husband for making this possible. I like the Garden :) Here is some photos of the Garden.

When we were outside, I saw a lot of the same cows that like the same. I thought that was crazy lol

If you want to check out my social media I will post the links here:

It is the four Sunday of the month tomorrow. So I am playing the drum at church in both service. And I will be play at 5 at our new thing we are starting at church every four Sunday in the month called the gathering. This will be amazing!!!!! I will try to take some photo.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet 

                                                 -iDrum (James)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Plant and Grow.......................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today. I wake up early and when to breakfast with my sister. After breakfast at 9:00am we went to Home Depot and we got some stuff for my Mom's birthday gift we are making a garden for her. I have some photos of the plants we got.

We will plant this Plants tomorrow, That will be so much fun :)

After I got the plants, I went to church. Thats why I have my PC bag in some of those photo. I film a video for the announcements at church and went over songs because I'm playing on Sunday service. I was going home and before I left the building I check my box and found this in it.

Yeah It finial got here :)

My brother from collage is home. and guess what? He brought another game home. Its a card game, and we played 3 times already. My brother won one of the games and when I almost won the other two games, my family started watching a movie then my brother put the game up so I couldn't win :(

If you want to check out my YouTube? I have all my drum covers on there. And if you have any song request you can message me or send me a comment on my YouTube.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                       -iDrum (James)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

What is your Mask?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today. I play the video game me and my brother been playing for a few days. In this game we cam make our own mask. So I made a few the game is called Army of Two. It is fun I just don't like the bad work they use in it. So I tell my brother turn the volume down. I have so Video and photos of the Mask I customize made in the game.

Customize Your Mask

So that all the masks I made. Which one is your favorite? Tell me in the comments or message me I would like to know.

These are a few of my favorites

I call this one Incredible hahahahaha

I call this just Ironman or an ape lol It kind of look like one hahahaha

Some about Drums

I have a Photo of my last drum cover with a Youtuber Kayla. It has 3 photo on just one image. I put it on my Instagram and my Facebook like page and my Twitter I like how I made this Photo because it just looks good hahahahahaha If you haven't watch the cover you can click on this link and it will take you there to the YouTube page.

Kayla, Is now following me on Twitter. I think that is awesome, because she is so amazing and a great artist. I was so much fun making this cover :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                       -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Mom's Birthday on Tuesday ................

Hello, People go the Internet

Yesterday, Sorry I didn't Blog. I stay up the whole 24 hour and I was sleepy at 9:00 pm. Thats why I didn't Blog. It was my Mom birthday Yesterday :)

Today, Is Wednesday. I know I don't Blog on Wednesdays but there is a reason today because I didn't Blog Yesterday. I wake up at 6:45 am and then I wash dishes for about an a half an hour. Then I wash my close and we have to hand wash our close Because our washer is broken so it take a little bit of time. Normally I wash a little of my close each time. like every week I wash my close 2 different days so I can just wash a little at a time not a whole week of close. But today I day a whole week on loan because I was sick the past week. And it took me 2 hour to wash. I did even do all my close but I did most of it. Then as soon as I got done my dad call to ask me to see if it will rain if so, cut the grass as the paper said it will rain tomorrow so I cut the grass It took about a hour and a  half to cut half of the yard. And I was going to cut the rest of the yard but my dad got home when I started cutting rest. My dad got home at 3: 25 pm and said he will finish. When I got in the house my brother was playing a game so I started playing that. Until my dad got done because I didn't want to take a shower until my dad got done just in case he wanted me to finish. so I played that game until 5:30 pm then took a shower and after that. I jump in the car to go to the church for practice at 6:00 pm for the youth band. We had church our youth group is doing something different, we got cards like back stages pass only the Youth leader and Volunteer. So that was cool and I took Photo so we can put them on the card. When all that was over me and my brother got back home and played that game again and that was it. Now we are at that spot witch is the time we are at now. What are you doing?

I was going to start Twitch today but I could figure it out. So I didn't. You guys are maybe asking yourself. What is Twitch? Twitch is a online board cast and streamer that you can play Video games and stream live with the people that watch you. If that answer your question.

Here is the Link to my Twitch, I maybe won't be able to going on the air. Until I figure out the streaming and putting it on live.

There is a lot of people that like my drum cover. Like I ask one of the streamer I started following on Twitch and she say she will look at my YouTube and check it out, I watch her stream for a whole week and there are a lot o people on chat that know of me because I watch he stream. Well she said she really like my drum covers. I didn't know if she would check out but she did. And it was the next day she reply yeah :) Made my day

So that was the drum thing for today. If you have any question? Please leave a comment or a message. Thanks so much

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Drum Cover Mash-up......

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, we had a Tornado Warning in our area until 4:00 PM. And we had heel the side of golf balls. It rain a lot here the past week. It rain so much that our well water almost turn a little bit brown. It should be better tomorrow.

On Sunday, I had a migraine when I woke up at 10:30am. I took some pills and when back to sleep until 7:00pm. And I didn't sleep any today because I wasn't tire. So I just watch some TV Shows and then edit the drum cover I will post on the Blog.

This Drum Cover is with a YouTuber Friend I met on YouTube. She is to amazing you need to check you channel out!!!! The cover is Different then my other drum covers because it a Mash-up of songs, You will see.

If you like this type of drum cover, let me know so I can do more of these type of videos? I enjoy making this cover with an amazing YouTuber artist like Kayla. If you enjoy her Please go to her Channel a say I sent you :) She will love to hear that I sent you to her channel.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Wow I dream about that !!!!

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I film the video I have to have for Sunday at church tomorrow. I was sick almost the whole week. I needed somebody to film and my Mom say she would. Her first time on the Announcements for the church and she did an awesome job. Thank you Mom for being in the announcements!!!!!

So, funny dream I had last night. Well I don't normally talk about dreams I have, but this one was so funny. And this is the first dream I have had in a while.

The Dream

I was walking in to a house (not my house) and when I walk in I saw............ skateboard ramp in the middle on the living room. When I saw that I now that this house was so awesome hahahahaha. But at that moment I also know this was a dream. I'm glade I stay asleep because you wouldn't guess what happen in the dream. After I walk inside the house on the left side there was kitchen table so I sat down and there was a wall blocking the other side to a different room. I notice the wall so I look at the other side and you would guess who I saw. Selena Gomez, I had a little crush on she maybe still do. But in the dream say said Hi, and started talking like we knew each other. I don't remember what we talk about but I remember she have a dog but not any dog an Australian Shepard name Rover. Which is funny because when I live in Ohio I had a dog and he is an Australian Shepard name Bear. He live with my Uncle in Ohio. I know I say I had a dog like he was my, but my uncle got him but I was there when we got him so I count Bear as my dog too :) I know I'm driffing away from the dream right, But I just thought I was funny to dream about something like that hahahahaha.

Here is a Photo of Bear

And there was another dog we got name Murphy he is a mix

I guess I just wanted to share that dream with you, Oh wow I just remember more of the dream I was filming a music video for Selena Gomez that how it started Wow. See you forget stuff when you awake up from dream and bye writing/typing in out I remember some more about the dream. The music video was with a lot of swing sets and gymnastics flipping around everywhere. But the video was an one shot video. So that means if someone mess up you needed to start from the begin again. That why I like the dream because it was about film work and thats what I do for a job. hahahaha So just put all of this in front of the dream I start talking about first and that was it.

Well, I want to talk about something about drums, but I think I just wrote a lot already. so I'll just say this. You know the drum cover I film before I got sick I will be edited it right now. So you can see it on Mondays Blog :) YEAH!!!!!

And If you think Bear and Murphy are cutie? please send a comment telling me on this page.
Or if you think my dream was crazy or funny to you?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)


Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My brother from collage came home today. He got pizza the pizza he gets is so good. I like then he comes home because it seen when he come over he has a new broad game. It broad game is so awesome I did remember the name right now but its so much fun. We watch a new TV Show with my brother from collage. He is the one that found it. Its call daredevil . We watch two episodes and I love it so far.

This TV Show is made by Netflix. So you can watch it if you have Netflix. I don't know if you can watch it anywhere else. Maybe you can bye it in stores? If  you watch this show tell me what you think? Just don't tell me anything after the 2nd episode, Please and Thanks

Here is my Soundcloud so you can hear the tracks I put on it.

I have a Facebook like page if you want to see what I post on there

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Great Idea...............

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I'm still not feeling good. So if you can pray for me that would be awesome..........(While I'm coughing) so I will talk about a little bit of drums today. I saw this video on YouTube and just the way its made is amazing great idea. I really want to to make an video just like this. One you see the video you will understand why I like it so much, because I'm a drummer and a film maker. So it put both of my favorite thing into one awesome creative video. My hat is off to this guy!!!!!

If you like the video please leave a comment and tell me about you think about the video.

I post photo on my Instagram if you want to check them out. Here is the link

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                         -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

really bad migraine

hello people of Internet yesterday I didn't post because of I was sick I had a really bad migraine . so that's why I didn't post yesterday but today I post because I'm feeling a little bit better but I still feel sick . I'm actually not writing this out I'm on my phone on speaker and talking through it just to write this down for you guys . I was in bed all day yesterday it was that bad . I know I talk about drums on this blog but I just want to say that I'm probably not going to talk about drums today cuz I don't know what to put down . on the last blog I talked about doing a drum cover I have edited it yet so it might take a little while till I get better at it so you can see it . but I'll get it done as soon as I can . I hope you guys have a great day it's sunny over here beautiful I wish I could get out here but I can't . if it's beautiful where you live please send me a comment below and tell me where you are so like to know what the weather is over there . until next time people of the internet -iDrum ( James)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mash-up cover................. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I when to church to edit video like I alway do every week. Its my job and then go to practice after I edit videos. Before youth band practice we talk about life and other stuff like what songs we should practice it took about a hour to start practice. Oh and before practice I help Pastor move a amp  back inside. He took the amp in to fix it. Its works awesome.

After we practice I finish up what I had to done. and when went back on the drums because I still have a cover I was going to do with another YouTuber. She is amazing I did another cover with her a while back. I'll leave a link so you can check it out. Now this cover is two years old and I use my electric drum set. I just learn how to use it. hahaha

I hope you enjoy the cover. This cover I just recorded today is going to be amazing. I can't wait for you guys to hear it. This sound is a Mash-up of different song. So that is different for me already. But I like how she order the songs around. I have a photo of me on the drum set I'm using. Here it is?!

If you have any question please leave a comment or a message THANKS :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                           -iDrum (James)

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Sandlot 2..............

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Me and my brothers watch a lot of TV Shows. Play some video games and talk about who eats the most chocolate? hahaha so funny how that convention went hahahaha lol I guest I eat the most Chocolate lol. One thing I like to do is looking up how to do an vfx effect and how to do it on YouTube. Because I love watch behind the sense videos. How they come up with the ideas and how they film :) Its just so cool.

So today I watch The Sandlot 2 for the first time. WOW, its almost just like the first Sandlot movie wait ...................... it is just like the first Sandlot movie. But just like any movie that has a second movie. I alway think the first one is still the best. I don't know why I think they try to hard on the second movie to much. I'm not saying The Sandlot 2 is not good its just the first one is a great movie that you can't copy it. If you have watch The Sandlot or the second one you should.

So, which Sandlot movie do you like? leave a comment on this page to let me know. I would like to hear your thoughts on the movies. Its some awesome hearing from you guys :)

If you haven't watch my Drum Lesson I make a few days age? Here it is. Hope you learn something on the video. If you did please message me or leave a comment thanks

Here is my Social Media to contact me. If you have any question or request for drum cover?

I hope all this help you get started on the drums

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring Break.......................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I wake up with a migraine. I don't know how but I did. Normally when I wake up with a migraine I would have sunlight in my eyes. But I didn't today so it was something else? I took something for my headache and when ate something and then watch some TV Shows. After that I played video games with my two younger brothers, one of them is home from collage and the one in high school is on his spring break. We just got done with playing video games its 4:40am in the morning hahahaha

Yesterday early morning like 5ish I wake up because my stunk was hurting and I need to go to the restroom. I don't like wake up to go to the restroom in the early morning.

So, there are some great song cover on YouTube. I really like listening to YouTuber covers of song then the original artists I don't know why? I have a Playlist of the awesome videos I like. If you want to check it out?

So, I have a Twitch and I did so game plays on it like 6 months age. I was thinking about starting it back up? I don't have videos on my profile because twitch doesn't let you keep them, but I wait to start online broadcast again. If you want to see it and tele what games you want to see?

Here is the link if you want to follow me on Twitch?

I hope you guys had an awesome day :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Day of Fun

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I cut half of the yard and my dad cut the other half. Then we went to the store to bye some stuff for the lawn mower and other stuff to fix up the house. After that I when to church to film and edit a video for Sunday.

Yesterday, I when out with my family to the Park/zoo around our area and had a great time. We saw a lot of animals Bears, a Eagle, Hawks and more. I have photos of the day on my Mr.Incredible Photography
Here is the link to see them. I will put up a few to just let you see how much fun it was :)

To leave you with something about drumming I have an announcement that I will be doing another cover with a youtuber. this is amazing I have so many people to make covers with its awesome :)
I will have a cover up tomorrow just a Drum cover for you guys.

If you wait to check out my twitter here is the link

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                 -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Drum Lesson Video is up !!!!! YEAH

Hi People of the Internet

Quite Note:

Here is the Drum lesson I did and talk about on my Blog two days ago . It took two days to upload WOW!!!! this video was request from Joela Jean from Philippines, THANKS so much I had fun making this :)

Hope you learn something :) Sorry it took so long to Upload

Seen you Tomorrow. People of the Internet :)

                                                          -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Rain Drops Keep falling on my head?

Hi, People of the Internet

Yesterday Blog..... sorry I don't post it early Im still wait on the video to upload on YouTube all day today. I wish I would just upload man. Well I did a different video yesterday and I will show it to you guys. This is the only place you will see this video. 

So Last Blog I did a Drum lesson/How to video. And if you want to see the video? Click on the link or go to the last Blog I post

There are some Track on my SoundCloud if you want to check it out? and if you want to collaborate with me just message me on Soundcloud or YouTube ? I would love to :) I collaborate with a lot of YouTuber if you want to know who just look at my YouTube channel. THANKS

Hope this Drum Lesson help future drummer! and if it help or you try to learn the drum beat? Please let me know I would love to hear from you :) Just leave a comment or message me any question I will like to know!

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

First, Drum Lesson............

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I edit like I alway do, but today was different I edit 5 videos in 2 hours WOW thats amazing!!!!! I don't know how I did that hahaha. I had some time before I practice for Youth Band today so I made a video for a beginner drummer and a how to video. This was possible by this one people name Joela She live in the Philippines and she wants me to teach someone in her Youth Group  how to play the drums? So told her I will make a video. We just talk about doing this yesterday hahaha :)

So I made this, Here is the video

Before practice I film this and made a drum cover I'll try to put it up tomorrow. If you have any question you can contact me on any of my Social Media

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet


P.S.  Sorry I put it the Blog up later I fell asleep busy day and I'm waiting for the the video to upload. so if it not there please try checking it out a little bit later. THANKS :)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Church Easter Party.....................

Hello. People of the Internet

Today, I went to my Church Easter Party at 11 to 1 to film some footage of it some I can put it on the UpNext on Sunday the Church Announcement. Like every week I make the Church Announcement for my church I love it!!!! :) When I edit the footage I was haring thought to get it done, so I can go to our Easter Party at the home and It took me like 3 hours to edit because I import it to iMovie and then put it on the Backup drive. But when I put it on iMovie I took it from the memory card and when I did that and put it on the Backup drive I delete it from the Memory card. When I try to export the finish project it wouldn't so it took me a little time to find out the problem that I did wrong. Hahahaha

Hey, Do you guys Remember a few Blogs age I talk about being the Easter Bunny at my Friends daughters Easter Part, and how I didn't have a photo of the day?

Well I have one here it is :)

It was so much fun being the Easter Bunny :) You guys should try it one day!!!!

I have some Drum Covers on Soundcloud if you want to just listen to the track? Here is some of the songs

Hope you guys enjoy those Tracks. If you did leave a comment on the Blog. And If you have any Song request please let me know.

Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Friday, April 3, 2015

New Drum Cover & Monopoly............................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today. like almost every Friday we get pizza. Pizza is so good!! If you like pizza as much as I do, Write in the comments if you like pizza more then me? hahaha My brother is home for the weekend. We watch Chuck one of our favorite TV Show that we watch with my brother when his home from collage. After watching some TV Shows My two younger brothers and I played Monopoly on the X-Box 360. Its so much faster to set up and save it on the X-Box to keep the game going until its over. I film some of the game if you want to see it?

Here is the footage

If you like Monopoly or play it on the X-Box, Tell me what set of rule you play on Monopoly. I would like to know?

I have a New Drum Cover for you guys. Its with a different YouTuber and this cover is so amazing. If  you haven't check it out here it is.......

If you watch the Drum Cover? please go Subscribe to A Cruz Channel its in the video. so good check her out.

Well Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                            -iDrum (James)

Easter Party? ......................

Hi, People of the Internet


Sorry, I didn't write on my Blog. Its was a busy day I want to my best friends daughter's Easter Party at her school as the Easter Bunny hahahaha Yes I was the Easter Bunny. So fun but the kids was while but thats kids for you hahahaha. I was waiting for a photo of the party of me in the Easter Bunny Outfit. But I didn't get one yet. So I will show you a Photo of me In the Easter Bunny outfit that I try a test of the Easter Bunny Outfit in front of my niece and nephew as a try ran before the Party. So my Niece and Nephew got to see the Easter Bunny early lol :)

I was Tire by 8 O'clock so I went to bed and fell asleep so that why I didn't Blog Yesterday so sorry. I hope you guys have a great Easter!! And don't forget what Easter is all about? Jesus die so we can live and by believe in him  we are save in his arms :)  

If you have an questions please contact me. You can comment or message me on any of my Social Media

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                         -iDrum (James)