Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Call of Duty Ghosts Online.................

Hello, People on the Internet

 Today, I went to church I'm just joking I got you hahahaha.I had chicken for dinner with mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes it was so good .I also watch Hawaii Five O ,The guy who plays on lost Jin he plays on Hawaii Five O and it's a pretty good show if you haven't seen it you should try out. I also play Call of Duty ghosts on Xbox 360 with my little brother and we had a blast online playing against people! I have some picturres of us playing online. Here are some of the pictures

 Today, I will also edit a drum cover for you guys to watch that I recorded yesterday. As soon as I get this drum cover edit I will show you guys and send you guys a link on my Blog so you guys can check it out. And I also want to do another blog post of a lady drummer if you have any drummers in mind please let me know and I'll try to get a hold of them so I can talk about them on my Blog so you guys can know about them. You can contact me on this blog page or send me a message on any of my Social Media.


Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                      -iDrum (James)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Dress up..........

Hi. People of the Internet

Yesterday, was Sunday and I dress up really nice. Sunday are one of my favorite days of the week. Two Sundays ago I got to play the drums for the church in the main service its was so much fun. I will show you guys just a little of the songs. And this is the only place you can see the footage. So you guys are so special to see this footage first. :)

I really Like this Look 

Here is the Video of the Sunday I play the Drums

Today is Monday so its practice for the youth band. We went over some song. I like what we did tonight. So if you are in the Athens area you need to check out my church its so amazing how God just moves in this place.

Oh, and I'm recording a drum cover right now so be on a look out for that!!!!!!!!

If you have any request for drum cover, feel free to comment on this Blog or message me on my Social Media?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The new and improve Monopoly?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I wake woke early at 8, and I went to bed at 4 in the morning. This morning I drove my little brother to the 3-on-3 basketball Tournament. He told me that one of his friends couldn't play so I had to play basketball. I'm not that good at it. but the next game my friend at church and drummer plays basketball and he was in the tournament but his friend couldn't play so I said he could take my spot in the rest of the tournament. So happy :)

After the tournament my brother and I played some basketball, around the world, baseball(you play basketball in a baseball way) if you need more info just message me or leave a comment on the page.

I also film at 7 today for the scrip for this next week video. Alway fun :)

My little brother downloaded a xbox game Monopoly the board game I away like. And now its easy so you don't have to set up the game like pass out the money and all that stuff. You can always stop it at any time and play in again where you stop so you can play as long as you can and want. :)

The new and improve Monopoly Board game on xbox need to try it!!!!

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                    -iDrum (James)

Friday, March 27, 2015

I never seen Indiana Jones before......................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I cut the grass, and went to take my brother to get pizza for dinner. and we got gas for the lawn mower. When we got home we watch Chuck the TV show I talk about in a blog. In this Blog
http://mrincredible197.blogspot.com/2015/03/some-of-my-favorite-shows.html If you want to check it out? After one episode my older brother got home and we watch the 3rd Indiana Jones. I never watch it before its so good. If you haven't watch it you need to. This one has Indiana Jones' dad in it he is so happy in the movie.The Indiana Jones movie I'm talking about is the one that Harrison Ford plays Indiana Jones. I just stared watching them. My brother (one go my little brothers ) just got the movies for christmas.

Thats what I did tonight and played some X-Box hahahaha FUN,

Tomorrow is the 3-on-3 basketball game I'm been talking about the past week. My little brother is playing in it. If  you watch the video I made for the tournament it is in this Blog http://mrincredible197.blogspot.com/2015/03/migraines.html If you want to watch it?

If you have any question or any request for drum covers let mr know and i'll do it. You can leave a comment on the page or message me on any of my Social Media


I hope you enjoy what I said in the Blog today, Please Like and Share if you want to

Remember? sharing is caring :)

Until Next time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Short Trip .................. WOW

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I played some X-box 360 with my little brother. We played 2K basketball 2015 awesome game if you didn't play it before. At 9:20 I when to go to pick up my other little brother from college and Its like a hour and a half away. We got there and it was dark and raining. I had my other little brother with me (the one I played xbox with) helping me but we couldn't find it for about a hour. This little trip that should of take us 3 hours took 5 but we stop to get something to eat. Now its 3:00 in the morning when I am writing in my Blog so sorry. This is all I will have in the Blog today. But this short trip really test me lol

Until Next Time, People of the Internet


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Migraines.................... :(

Hello. People of the Internet

Today, I have a bad headache, so I didn't do anything today. Other then trying to get rid of it. See I get these bad Migraine when I wake up with light shining in my eyes and that what happen today. :( I hate them

So, Todays Blog will Be short. But my migraine is almost gone.

Here is the Video on the Basketball 3-on-3 Tournament Promo

I hope you like it, I have my brother in the video. If you like it please give in a like. I like make these type go videos if you like it too and you want me to make more comment on my page and tell me what you want to see next?

Just so you know I have some more Drum Covers coming soon. So be on the look out for those:)

Well I'm going to go now and get rid on the rest of this migraine

Until Next Time, People of the Internet


Monday, March 23, 2015

Bike........christian rap artist?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I film and edit 3 videos today. I know I post my Video late in the day like 12 at night. And I don't post the Blog until like 1 in the morning. I try to get the whole day in the Blog hahahaha :) I said I Blog every day except Wednesday and Sunday and I post it late so its 1 in the morning on Wednesday on my Facebook. I just want to say I'm sorry about that.

So posting the Blog this early the people that don't see in normally can check it out. :)
If this is your first time seeing this Blog Please leave a comment I would love to hear from you. You can leave request for Drum Covers I the comments too.

The weather was GREAT outside so I made this short video for you guys. This is the only place you can see it. ENJOY!!!!!!

This is not the short clip I talk about in the last Blog

In this video the music is a christian rap artist and I did a drum cover of the song. More info in the video

If you like the drum cover please share with your friend thank, and like the video. I think we can get 15 like on the video in one day :) Let do it People of the Internet

Yesterday, I play the drums an the Main Service at church it was so much fun!!!!!

Today, I like a few mins I will be practice for the Youth Band. So I'm will be leaving soon for this Blog. But you will be hearing from me tomorrow :)

Oh, and I have another YouTube who want some drums on her cover so I'll try to record that soon

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I will follow..............

Hello, People of the Internet

Today I film a short clip, about a min long but Its taking long to just edit it. When its done I will be showing you guys It. I can't want for you the see it.

Tomorrow at Church I will be play the drums in the main Service. Maybe I will film I don't know yet? If you want my to film tomorrow? Comment below on this page. THANKS

Here is my Twitter if you want to Follow me? I will be Following the First 5 People who follow me tomorrow. and when you do, It will take me until 12 or 2 tomorrow to follow you back. because I will be at church, But don't worry I will :)


Until Next Time, People of the Internet


Friday, March 20, 2015

Screen Shot.................. Smile?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, was a lazy day hahaha. I didn't really do anything. Well I look for some software for my Mac and found some cool stuff I can get free on the App Store on my Mac book pro.

Some that what I did today, and watch YouTube and on Social Media, :)

Here are some more Screen Shots I took of my Social Media. That I found cool and awesome

1st - Is another Ad on my Blog

I thought this one was cool because It a drum Ad and this is a Drum Blog hahahahaha. And by the way I don't pick my Ad I let the google setting choose it.

2nd - Is on Soundcloud I don't know when I took this Screen shot........?

I don't know if you can see it but I got 82 view on a Drum Cover/collaborate in 21 hours, the song is Shake It Off - Taylor Swift (cover) Here is the link if you want to hear the track 

3rd- Is another Soundcloud screen shot an few days age, 

In 22hr I got 5views, 3 likes, and 3 repost!!!! thats AWESOME :) YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING :)
the song is Love You Like A Love Song - Selena Gomez (Cover) Here is the Link

So check out the links and tell me what you think, I would like to know :)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet


Thursday, March 19, 2015

That made my day!!!

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Is the day I work on and finish a video for a guy that had an 10 year Anniversary today. I only had a few days to make it. But It turn out Amazing!!!!! I made a CD for him and help him put it on YouTube and Facebook. After we did that I check His Facebook post after 2 hours posting the video he had 45 likes and 21 comments. Wow that is amazing so awesome, but want that not the best part after 6 hours I check it again and the video has 100 likes and has 51 comments on it :) That made my day!!! Just to see all those people just enjoy a video like that it is AMAZING :)

Thats want I did today oh and Practice four songs for Sunday Service 

So that was fun :)

I want to know what song I should drum cover next, Please let me Know and I will make it happen :)

Oh yeah, You know that Basketball video I made I have it on YouTube its for the church so its on the church YouTube if you want to see it? 

I will Leave the link here


If you watch the Basketball video, Please let me know I would like to hear what you have to say about it. You can Comment on this page or on my other Social Media


I like it when I see an AD on my Blog that I know I would like, Like SuperHeros hahahaha
Here is a photo of a Ad I saw on my Blog a few days ago.

Its Marvel :) hahahaha AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Well,,,, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                                -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Hours of Sleep?

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, that I did Blog yesterday. It was an busy day. The night before yesterday I didn't go to bed until 5:30 in the morning and I only got 4hours of sleep, and I when to church to work at 9:00am. Then I went home at 3:40pm and on the way home My dad was driving and he saw me on the road and stop and I took my little brother to get Pizza. When we got home with the pizza he ate and I drove he to work at 4:45pm. I got home at 6:00pm my dad was cutting the grass so I ask him if I can finish cutting the grass for him. After I cut the grass I took an shower when we watch a few TVShows I feel asleep on the second show at 8: 30pm so I got up and when to bed. And I just woke up at 5:48am today. And I forgot to write in my Blog. Because I was so sleepy.  

So Here is my Social Media If you want to follow, like, share or subscribe?


If you have any question? you can comment on any of my Social Media 

Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                              -iDrum (James)

Monday, March 16, 2015

No more Practice?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Was busy Im still an work its 12:52am. WOW, Well I came in to work at 6:20pm and when had youth band practice at 7:00pm to 10:00. Now it we have practice on Mondays now not Fridays. Which is best I think because it just two day before Wednesday. Then practice on Friday and want four day until Wednesday :) So I think thats cool!!!

I have the Basketball video done. What I tell about on my last Blog


I'll Try to put up the Basketball Video Right Here

I hope you guys can see it. If not I'm so sorry it mite be to big to upload on here?

I have an new Drum Cover up. Its "Love You Like a Love Song - Selena Gomez (Cover) by Isabeau & James Francis"


Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3-on-3 tournament?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Was a great day. I had a good dinner. We watch Chuck again tonight like what I said in the last Blog. What TV Shows I like to watch. Today I edit a drum cover it will be up tomorrow. Hope you guys will like it :)

I want to church to film a Basketball promo video for an 3-on-3 tournament. If I can get it up. I will show it to you lovely people. Its so good I like how I film and edit and story board it.

Well, thats what I did today. Sorry Its short

Oh, yeah my Dad and Mom played a video game. Wow they don't played video games. so that was AWESOME and my Dad won :(  hahaha

To leave you with something drum related.
Here is my FaceBook Like Page


I put photos, video, tracks and more on my FaceBook Like Page. so you can check it out! If you want to?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                 -iDrum (James)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Some of my Favorite Shows?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My brother who is in collage is home for the weekend. When Joseph is home we watch 2 TV Show we watch with him. The TV Shows are Arrow, and Chuck.

Arrow is an awesome show because Green Arrow is one of my favorite Super Heros. I know know why he's one of my Favorite. Maybe because he has an Bow and arrow ? and he has all those cool arrow with gadgets on them.

If you haven't watch it I think you should check it out.
And not I'm not getting paid to tell you guys about these show.
These show are just so good I wanted to just share them :)

Chuck is one of those spy shows but in a different way. In the show chuck is just a normal guy.He isn't a spy but he has to be one and be with other spy Because he is really important to the CIS.
I don't want to spoil the show. so thats all you well get from me:)

So, if you watch those Shows let me know if you like them? send me a message or comment of this page. Thanks for you time :)

To leave you with something drum related here is my Soundcloud


and Here is the photo I post on Instagram in the Last Blog.


Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Collage Project?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, was GREAT!!!! My Mom made banana bread. And if you know me I love banana bread :)
We watch the New Hawaii Five-o, Its really good. I still like the old Hawaii five-o with Jack Lord, James MacArthur Is one of my favorite TV Shows.

Yesterday, I was busy I edit 3 videos. After church I help a friend out with their collage project, I film her saying a speech to people. I played the drum at the youth. Like every Wednesday. I have some footage of me playing but the sound isn't that good it from my camera. But I'll show you a few clips of me playing.

I hope you like it, like I said the sound isn't the greatest. I took a photo of yesterday too If you want to see the photo? Its on my Instagram If you want to check it out. Here is the link.


Well, Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                                               -iDrum (James)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cheesy Joke............?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Was just another day. Nothing special other then getting pizza lol Pizza is one of my favorite food. You know when you were a kid and you eat pizza at every birthday party and the best is with a lot of toppings. Well now I think my Favorite topping are extra cheese. Yeah thats right I said it I love cheese. If cheese was a girl, she would be my wife?! Oooohhh thats was an cheesy joke lol hahahahahahaha But for real I think just plan cheese is good.
Do you guys love plan cheese pizza? write in the comments below.

I hope I'm not the only one how love just cheese pizza?!?!

 So the past week I watch the whole first season of Teen Wolf. When It first came out I watch it but in Ohio. and I for got about it. So now I found it and it has four seasons AWESOME!!!!!!!! so its going to be like a new TV Show for me Because I haven't seen it all. :)

I totally forgot the whole first season. And how much I like Teen Wolf. Have you guys watch Teen Wolf? If you have don't tell me what happen....... Please thanks :)

If you like Teen Wolf like this page.........

Now, to leave you with something Drum related here is my Soundcloud so you can listen to some of my drum covers. I hope you enjoy :)


Well, now I'm going to watch Teen Wolf now I'm almost done with the second season :) Its so good!!!!!!!!

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Wet Roof ?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, was the last day I dog sit for my friend. It was fun! I when to the bank. I edit more videos today at church. while I was there, I when to the camera to get an memory card out of the camera upstair. so I could edit the service video from yesterday. And I find water leaking from the roof inside. The first thing I did was call the Pastor, and he said put and trash can under the spot. It was just dripping where it was every 4 seconds, but there was 3 tiles wet. The floor was wet to so I ask the Pastor if they have any tows any were. They did so I try to dry up the carpet the best I could do. They should have it fix tomorrow.

So that was my day, I was going to record a drum cover today, but it was 7:00pm when I left the church. Maybe I can record tomorrow. If you have any request for an song just message or comment on any of my Social Media


Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Playing catch with dogs?

Hi, People of the Internet

Today, at 12:00 I when to church to help our Youth Pastor paint the youth building. He is one of my best friends. We talk about a lot of things while we were painting. I didn't know painting was so much fun lol hahahahaha

Then after painting, I went to my other best friends' house to dog sit while he is out of town. He has 2 dogs one of them plays a little bit of catch. For a moment its took me back to Ohio, where I use to live. When my uncle got an dog name Bear an australianshepard when Bear and I played catch.

I mite have some footage of Bear and I playing catch???

After that I drove back to church and finish editing a video for Sunday. then I when home and saw my  sister and her 2 kids. The 2 kids and I played some soccer outside. Going inside after soccer I help my sister burn some CD for her. She got ask to take charge of the kids choirs at her church. Then would be so fun. The song she choose any of them would be so fun to see the kids sing and dance too. Its so nice to see her be apart of something so amazing at church :) Love you sis

So to leave you guys with something. I has an drum cover I upload a day age. Its a rap song but its an christian rap song. I put 2 Drum parts in it. I hope you enjoy

Here is the link to the video.


Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Star Wars Cards?

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, I didn't Blog yesterday. I was going though some stuff I got from my Uncle when he visit Wednesday. He gave me an desktop PC and 2 Laptop Dell PC. His so awesome!!!!! I love him so much! So yesterday I when thought the PC to check them out, I like them. The desktop PC is in the living room, for now until I found an cord to hook up to my 32" Smart TV. But don't worry I will find an way. So thats I what I did.

And that night We watch a few TV Shows. Then me and my brother (The one in collage) play an card game. This card game is an game we played a lot when we were younger. Its an Star Wars game. This was my Favorite Star Wars card game of all time :)

Here is an photo from Yesterday


And Today, I did so filming and editing at church. I still need to edit one more video for Sunday that I will do tomorrow. Also I will be helping painting at church in the youth building. And tomorrow is the first day I will be taking care of my best friends dogs, I think I talk about my best friend in an early Blog. He name is Chris he is the youth worship leader at the church. So watch dogs is going to be fun and playing catch is aways fun.

I also played Star Wars cards again today with the same brother. I dandy win yet we played about 4 games in the past two day hahahaha

Here is another Photo

I also made popcorn, YUMM :)

If you want to check out more photos here is my Instagram 

 Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

It mite change your life or not?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I edit some videos at work lol like every week :)

sorry if the Blog is a little bit late, I stay wake late. Talking to my brother that is in collage about life, and girls. It was an good talk. If you don't know I didn't have an girlfriend until I was 21. Yes I know that is an long time but during school, I don't real need anyone to make me fill happy, because I was happy about myself and helping people just be themselves. That was my personalty I could make anyone that feel sad have an smile on their face. Thats what made my day is to in pack their life with an smile and bring them up when they are down.

But now I wish I ask some of the girls I know in High School out on an date. And now I will never know if them like me or not???? :(
I guest what I'm trying to say is take a chase because it mite change your life or not. It mite be better to know now then wonder what could of happen or the feeling of regret........
So take an chase it mite be right or not a less you will know??

Sorry about all these filling stuff, this was just on my mind today. Take it or not. I could maybe talk more about this, but I just wanted to be short and to the point.

If you guys need to talk about anything, I'm here message me or comment on any on my Social Media. I will be there :)


Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                        -iDrum (James)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Where I use to Live?

Hi, People of the Internet

Today, I clean the house like I alway do lol so today was an normal day for me. But tomorrow will be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!  My Uncle from Ohio is going to stop by to see me on his way to florida.

If you guys didn't know about an year and a half ago I use to live in Ohio for 3 years. I work for my Uncle in landscape, he owns his own business. So I did so landscape and cut grass and remove snow. It was an cool job. but I got home sick. So I came back to GA.

And after 7 month I got my dream job in Media :) at my church. and that what I do now and write these Blog on my spare time. To let you guys know what I'm doing and give you something to look forward to each day. You guys are so AMAZING :)

So, thats just some much stuff to learn about me. If you want to ask me anything? let me know. Just leave an comment I'll reply

To leave you with something. Here are some of the covers I did, and put them on Soundcloud...

The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez (cover By Olivia Eliasson & James Francis)

Uptown Funk  Bruno Mars Ft. Mark Ronson (Acoustic Cover) Marina Lin & James Francis

Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran - Cover(Nutda Lachanthuk & James Francis)

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                  -iDrum (James)