Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Hours of Sleep?

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, that I did Blog yesterday. It was an busy day. The night before yesterday I didn't go to bed until 5:30 in the morning and I only got 4hours of sleep, and I when to church to work at 9:00am. Then I went home at 3:40pm and on the way home My dad was driving and he saw me on the road and stop and I took my little brother to get Pizza. When we got home with the pizza he ate and I drove he to work at 4:45pm. I got home at 6:00pm my dad was cutting the grass so I ask him if I can finish cutting the grass for him. After I cut the grass I took an shower when we watch a few TVShows I feel asleep on the second show at 8: 30pm so I got up and when to bed. And I just woke up at 5:48am today. And I forgot to write in my Blog. Because I was so sleepy.  

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Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                              -iDrum (James)

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