Friday, March 27, 2015

I never seen Indiana Jones before......................

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I cut the grass, and went to take my brother to get pizza for dinner. and we got gas for the lawn mower. When we got home we watch Chuck the TV show I talk about in a blog. In this Blog If you want to check it out? After one episode my older brother got home and we watch the 3rd Indiana Jones. I never watch it before its so good. If you haven't watch it you need to. This one has Indiana Jones' dad in it he is so happy in the movie.The Indiana Jones movie I'm talking about is the one that Harrison Ford plays Indiana Jones. I just stared watching them. My brother (one go my little brothers ) just got the movies for christmas.

Thats what I did tonight and played some X-Box hahahaha FUN,

Tomorrow is the 3-on-3 basketball game I'm been talking about the past week. My little brother is playing in it. If  you watch the video I made for the tournament it is in this Blog If you want to watch it?

If you have any question or any request for drum covers let mr know and i'll do it. You can leave a comment on the page or message me on any of my Social Media

I hope you enjoy what I said in the Blog today, Please Like and Share if you want to

Remember? sharing is caring :)

Until Next time, People of the Internet

                                                -iDrum (James)

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