Friday, March 13, 2015

Some of my Favorite Shows?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, My brother who is in collage is home for the weekend. When Joseph is home we watch 2 TV Show we watch with him. The TV Shows are Arrow, and Chuck.

Arrow is an awesome show because Green Arrow is one of my favorite Super Heros. I know know why he's one of my Favorite. Maybe because he has an Bow and arrow ? and he has all those cool arrow with gadgets on them.

If you haven't watch it I think you should check it out.
And not I'm not getting paid to tell you guys about these show.
These show are just so good I wanted to just share them :)

Chuck is one of those spy shows but in a different way. In the show chuck is just a normal guy.He isn't a spy but he has to be one and be with other spy Because he is really important to the CIS.
I don't want to spoil the show. so thats all you well get from me:)

So, if you watch those Shows let me know if you like them? send me a message or comment of this page. Thanks for you time :)

To leave you with something drum related here is my Soundcloud

and Here is the photo I post on Instagram in the Last Blog.

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                     -iDrum (James)

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