Thursday, March 12, 2015

Collage Project?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, was GREAT!!!! My Mom made banana bread. And if you know me I love banana bread :)
We watch the New Hawaii Five-o, Its really good. I still like the old Hawaii five-o with Jack Lord, James MacArthur Is one of my favorite TV Shows.

Yesterday, I was busy I edit 3 videos. After church I help a friend out with their collage project, I film her saying a speech to people. I played the drum at the youth. Like every Wednesday. I have some footage of me playing but the sound isn't that good it from my camera. But I'll show you a few clips of me playing.

I hope you like it, like I said the sound isn't the greatest. I took a photo of yesterday too If you want to see the photo? Its on my Instagram If you want to check it out. Here is the link.

Well, Until Next Time. People of the Internet

                                                               -iDrum (James)

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