Thursday, March 19, 2015

That made my day!!!

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Is the day I work on and finish a video for a guy that had an 10 year Anniversary today. I only had a few days to make it. But It turn out Amazing!!!!! I made a CD for him and help him put it on YouTube and Facebook. After we did that I check His Facebook post after 2 hours posting the video he had 45 likes and 21 comments. Wow that is amazing so awesome, but want that not the best part after 6 hours I check it again and the video has 100 likes and has 51 comments on it :) That made my day!!! Just to see all those people just enjoy a video like that it is AMAZING :)

Thats want I did today oh and Practice four songs for Sunday Service 

So that was fun :)

I want to know what song I should drum cover next, Please let me Know and I will make it happen :)

Oh yeah, You know that Basketball video I made I have it on YouTube its for the church so its on the church YouTube if you want to see it? 

I will Leave the link here

If you watch the Basketball video, Please let me know I would like to hear what you have to say about it. You can Comment on this page or on my other Social Media

I like it when I see an AD on my Blog that I know I would like, Like SuperHeros hahahaha
Here is a photo of a Ad I saw on my Blog a few days ago.

Its Marvel :) hahahaha AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Well,,,, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                                -iDrum (James)

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