Saturday, March 14, 2015

3-on-3 tournament?

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, Was a great day. I had a good dinner. We watch Chuck again tonight like what I said in the last Blog. What TV Shows I like to watch. Today I edit a drum cover it will be up tomorrow. Hope you guys will like it :)

I want to church to film a Basketball promo video for an 3-on-3 tournament. If I can get it up. I will show it to you lovely people. Its so good I like how I film and edit and story board it.

Well, thats what I did today. Sorry Its short

Oh, yeah my Dad and Mom played a video game. Wow they don't played video games. so that was AWESOME and my Dad won :(  hahaha

To leave you with something drum related.
Here is my FaceBook Like Page

I put photos, video, tracks and more on my FaceBook Like Page. so you can check it out! If you want to?

Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                 -iDrum (James)

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