Thursday, March 26, 2015

Short Trip .................. WOW

Hello, People of the Internet

Today, I played some X-box 360 with my little brother. We played 2K basketball 2015 awesome game if you didn't play it before. At 9:20 I when to go to pick up my other little brother from college and Its like a hour and a half away. We got there and it was dark and raining. I had my other little brother with me (the one I played xbox with) helping me but we couldn't find it for about a hour. This little trip that should of take us 3 hours took 5 but we stop to get something to eat. Now its 3:00 in the morning when I am writing in my Blog so sorry. This is all I will have in the Blog today. But this short trip really test me lol

Until Next Time, People of the Internet


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