Friday, March 6, 2015

Star Wars Cards?

Hello, People of the Internet

Sorry, I didn't Blog yesterday. I was going though some stuff I got from my Uncle when he visit Wednesday. He gave me an desktop PC and 2 Laptop Dell PC. His so awesome!!!!! I love him so much! So yesterday I when thought the PC to check them out, I like them. The desktop PC is in the living room, for now until I found an cord to hook up to my 32" Smart TV. But don't worry I will find an way. So thats I what I did.

And that night We watch a few TV Shows. Then me and my brother (The one in collage) play an card game. This card game is an game we played a lot when we were younger. Its an Star Wars game. This was my Favorite Star Wars card game of all time :)

Here is an photo from Yesterday


And Today, I did so filming and editing at church. I still need to edit one more video for Sunday that I will do tomorrow. Also I will be helping painting at church in the youth building. And tomorrow is the first day I will be taking care of my best friends dogs, I think I talk about my best friend in an early Blog. He name is Chris he is the youth worship leader at the church. So watch dogs is going to be fun and playing catch is aways fun.

I also played Star Wars cards again today with the same brother. I dandy win yet we played about 4 games in the past two day hahahaha

Here is another Photo

I also made popcorn, YUMM :)

If you want to check out more photos here is my Instagram 

 Well, Until Next Time, People of the Internet

                                                        -iDrum (James)

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